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No. Buddhists believe in rebirth. Reincarnation is the passage of the soul from one for to another, there is no soul in Buddhism; rebirth is the result of karmic seeds sown in life.

They believe that there is a circle of birth and if you earn enlightenment the you are taken out of the circle of birth

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14y ago

The answer is No! Buddhism is about living in and enjoying the present to the fullest extent possible without doing harm to others. ANSWER: They believe that when you die, you will be re-incarnated into one of the following realms: * Gods * Humans * Titans * Hungry Ghosts * Animals * Hell Some beliefs omit the Titan realm.

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16y ago

Many Buddhists believe in reincarnation, or, more specifically, that the mindstream continues after the physical body dies. As long as a person remains deluded about the true nature of reality s/he will continue to be reborn into Samsara for lifetime after lifetime. When the true nature of reality is understood - Nirvana - a person can choose to continue being reborn, in order to help others understand as well. These people are called Bodhisattvas.

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13y ago

Buddhists come in many varieties. Some Buddhists believe that if an individual has not been liberated in this life, unused karma creates another related life after death. Other Buddhists don't believe this. Yet other Buddhists neither believe nor disbelieve in an afterlife, as they base their convictions on what they know and experience for themselves.

There is currently an ongoing debate among Buddhists regarding whether or not the Buddha taught that a belief in rebirth was necessary or not.

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13y ago

Yes,the Buddhist do belief in the rebirth.


Life after death in the Christian and other Abrahamic religions' sense is that you die and go to heaven or hell. In Buddhism life and death are a cycle which you may pass though countless times on your path to enlightenment. The final state (Nirvana) is a selfless condition where you give up your individual existence. This is not like the Abrahamic traditions life after death where you are still yourself.

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11y ago
Not exactly as you might think of rebirth. Buddhist do not believe in a complete never changing soul of a person that gets reborn (transmigration) into a new body. Instead we believe that our current consciousness is an aggregation of our past actions and consciousness and other factors. When we die the consciousness that arises in a new person is neither identical nor entirely different from that the previous one but the two form a continuum or stream.

Think of it this way. Imagine all the consciousness of the world is an ocean. The ocean moves around due to different actions and forms waves. Those waves are like people. They arise, stay for a while and then rejoin the ocean, only to arise somewhere else in a slightly different manner. That's how we view rebirth.
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7y ago

There is a significantnt difference between Buddhist beings and thou of the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) As an example, the Christian afterlife is seen as a place where each person retains individuality and an interaction with the deity and other "souls". There is no eating drinking or sex (probably not a lot of fun either).In Buddhism the state of Nirvana is a loss of individual existence. The existence of an individual existence is seen as the final conceit. There is no "I " involved in your existence in Nirvana. Prior to enlightenment the being is reborn to a continuing cycle ro experience where the skill of learning to lead a life devoid of desire are learned. Even after enlightenment there is no need to go to Nirvana. Mahayana Buddhism allows the enlightened to voluntarily return to the cycle of life and death and rebirth to help others attain enlightenment.

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10y ago

In a sense yes, Buddhists generally take reincarnation as a fundamental truth.

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Many Buddhists do believe in reincarnation, but it is not required. No not all of them do.

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Gautama is not considered a reincarnation of a god. He is the historical figure who became known as the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Buddhists do not believe in a supreme god or the concept of reincarnation as the transfer of a fixed individual soul or identity. Instead, they believe in the cycle of rebirth based on the concept of karma.

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Not all Buddhists believe in reincarnation. The Buddha did not teach reincarnation, although it is part of the doctrine of some Buddhist traditions. The Buddha spoke of 'rebirth' in some teachings. This is understood by some to refer to a new start in the present lifetime, not the beginning of a new life after death. The idea of reincarnation may have been absorbed into Buddhism from Hinduism, which does recognize and believe in reincarnation.

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No Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Reincarnation requires a soul to pass into the next life, a vital and indispensable aspect of Buddhism is Anatta, or 'no soul'. Most Buddhists believe in rebirth, that after their death the karma they have accumulated in their life but not paid for will be spent out in another life, like passing a flame from one candle to another; it is not the same flame, nor is it another.

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Atheism is an absence of belief in a deity, so there isn't a doctrine of beliefs as you find in religions and there isn't a single thought or belief about death which is shared by atheists. Some Buddhists are atheists - but believe in reincarnation, other atheists believe that when we die, we cease to be.

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Did Buddhism believe in gods'?

I am no expert but I think Buddhists do not believe in any specific god but do believe in reincarnation and the way to enlightenment is to give up material possesions