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yes they do

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Q: Do Red-winged Blackbird's have any adaptations or defenses?
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Do red wing blackbirds have any defenses?

yes they do

Do snails have any adaptations or defenses?

They have a shell on their back.

What is the word for all the blackbirds in your neighborhood?

There is no specific collective noun for blackbirds but any collective noun for birds will do; for example a flight of blackbirds or a flock of blackbirds.

How is the SR-71 blackbird important in aviation history?

At the time satellites have not became a major impact and the highlight of the Blackbirds carrer was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, of which it could be deployed to take updated pictures in a matter of hours. Its top speed of Mach 3 enables it to outrun any ground-to-air defenses and any aircraft that tried to intercept it

What is a brownish songbird?

Any sparrow, a female red-winged blackbirds, and some others

What are Haiti's defenses against earthquakes?

They don't have any.

Do gorillas have any defenses?

yes by banging on their chests

Does a hedgehog have any defenses against its predators?

Their quills.

Do mammals have any adaptations?

no they do not

Are there any other adaptations exept from these?

Any other adaptations that "do not fit the environment" get discarded via natural selection

Are there any adaptations made from tsunamis?

Tsunamis do not create adaptations in plants or animals.

Do magpies eat baby blackbirds?

Yes, they will eat bird eggs and any kind of nestling bird.