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Texas is the only state in the nation that does not require employers to carry workmens compensation insurance for their employees. All 50 states require Workers Compensation but most if not all allow for some exemptions. However, exemptions, due to number or type of employees, for example, are from carrying insurance, NOT from liability. So before you forgo coverage, make sure you have fulfilled Texas state reporting requirements (you can't just decide not to carry it & not file as such with the state) AND can write a big check if you have a big claim - or a lot of small ones! In Texas alone, an alternative to Comp known as Non-Subscription is available, and in 47 states VOCAL is available as a short term alternative to Comp for volunteers and self employed workers in the entertainment and hospitality industries (conventions, parades, concerts, wedding receptions, football concessions, etc.) To answer your question, though - the answer is no.

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Yes, but because Texas is the only voluntary Comp state, they can choose to go bare if they follow the formal procedures to opt out. But they remain liable for the workers' injuries and lose the sole remedy (so they can be sued.) Employers in all states need to realize they remain liable if they don't have coverage, and that their employees and their employees' families can sue them. In Texas (and many other states) General Contractors are also responsible for their subcontractors who don't have Comp.

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What is workmens comp?

A insurance provided by employers for injured employees. There is a provision in Texas law whereby an employer may elect not to purchase workmens' comp insurance. About 33% of Texas employers do not have WC insurance.

Should a subcontractor have to pay his own workmens comp in the state of South Carolina?

The general expectation is that a contractor pays their own expenses. That would include a sub-contractor being responsible for their own workman's compensation. Most subcontracting agreements will specify this in the contract.

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Is workers comp nc only for medical or does it cover vehicle damages?

Answer is No workmens comp is only applicable to injuries sustained while on the job, damages to a vehicle are not part of workmens comp.

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Do i need to file income taxes ,workmens comp did not send me a 1099? I did not file last year 2007 because i asked workmens comp. for a 1099 they did not send i assumed i did not need to file. Can i file both years?

Can your job fire you if you are on workmens comp?

No they can't, if it has only to do with being on WC.

If a company pays into workmens comp for you but issues you a 1099 are you an employee or an independent contractor?

In the state of New York do I have to carry workmans comp for 1099 independent conractors Just because a company pays into WC for you doesn't make you an employee. Many states are "ladder states," meaning liability follows up the ladder until someone can pay. In Texas, General Contractors are required to carry Comp for their subcontractors (who are 1099 workers) who don't have it, or remain liable if they don't (since TX is the voluntary Comp state.) For New York, inquire of the NY State WC Board, 518.474.6670, but I think your answer is yes, if they don't have it.

How long after you are hurt on job do you have to report it?

In general, it should be reported when it happens so that the employers workmens comp insurance can know that you didn't receive the injury at home.

Can you still receive workmens comp after quiting?

It depends on the policy of your employer...I believe.

How may days do you have to be out of work before workmens comp pays you?

One week.

Where can I get more info on getting a workmens comp lawyer.?

You can find lawyers in the phone book that specialise in workmens comp cases.Also there are lawyer refferal offices.Can check with Better business buero to see if any complaints on lawyer.

Are self employed owners who have no employees required to have workmens comp insurance?

You are allowed up to three employees before you have to do workman's comp.