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Q: Do all dicot leaves have netted venation?
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How is leaf venation important?

Leaf venation is the pattern in which leaf veins are organized. Parallel veins are all running parallel to each other. Netted palmate are all originating from a single point. Netted pinnate are all branching off from one central vein.

Is alfalfa a dicot?

"No it is a Magnoliopsida." class Magnoliopsida [= dicotyledons] is not a dicot, dicots have broad leaves, like a tree. Monacious is grass like with parellell venation. A tree is a woody dicot.On top of that "Magnoliopsida" is angiosperm and covers BOTH monocot and dicot, it is all flowering plants. So technicaly a monocot is a Magnoliopsida.

Do gram leaves have parallel or reticulate venation?

the venation of the plant mostly depend on the roots if a plant has fibrous roots the venation will be parallel, but if the plant has tap root the venation will bereticulate and since gram has tap root it maybe having reticulate venation.

Is alfalfa a monocot?

What is a leaf with parallel veins?

In parallel venation, the veins are all smaller in size and parallel or nearly parallel to one another, although a series of smaller veins connects the large veins. Parallel venation occurs in the leaves of nearly all monocotyledonous Angiosperms, whose embryos have one cotyledon, as in flowering plants such as lillies and grasses

Why do monocots have parallel venation?

viens to grow bigger Because palms belong to monocotyledons and almost all monocots have leaves with parallel venation.

Is cassava a dicot?

Yes it is dicot. Please see for reference.

Is a Japanese maple a dicot?

Yes, all true trees (not bamboo or palm, these are monocots, or tree ferns, these are non-vascular) are dicots.

Is rose of Sharon a monocot or dicot?

it is a dicot. rosemary has 5 petals, 2 stamens, and 2 sepals (all multiples of 4 or 5). the needles have a network of veins. the stem's vascular bundles are arranged in a ring around a pith in the center. all of these traits make it a dicot.

Millet is monocut or dicot?

Jasminum grandiflorum

What are some examples of parallel and reticulate venation?

mango leaves,bajra,rice,wheat and other grasses believe me this thing is totally right i have written this in my exam after all !