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during the course of using them, it is possible. It is also possible in the long term. Researchers have been conducting tests using anabolic steroids as a male "pill". Steroid use causes hypogonadism, a condition in whch the testes quit producing. This is why steroid users may mind their testicles shrinking. Proper post cycle therapy alleviates this in most cases, returning the body back to its normal state. However, in the long run, it is possible to cause testicular atrophy; a state in which the testicles literally die, and cannot be revived.

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Q: Do anabolic steroids make men infertile?
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How does anabolic steroids increase the risk of cervical and endometrial cancer?

Anabolic steroids increase the risk of health problems for men and women alike. The risk for women includes the increase of cervical and endometrial cancer by altering the female hormones.

What kinds of problems can anabolic steroids cause?

Anabolic steroids help the retention of protein which aids in the development of muscle . This will result in the person's muscles increasing in mass and strength but there are serious side effects. In both men and women: Rapid weight gain clotting disorder liver damage heart attacks and strokes

When is gynecomastia not appropriate?

Excessive alcohol intake, marijuana use, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia. Surgery is not recommended for men who continue to use these products.

How much of the community is using steroids?

In 1994 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Household Survey on Drug Abuse showed that 0.5 percent of the adult population, said that they had used anabolic steroids. More men than women had used the drugs: 0.9 percent of men and 0.2 percent of women said they had taken steroids.

Does peyronies disease make men infertile?

Not necessarily - but it can cause erectile dysfunction.

Is it a crime to use anabolic steroids?

When you use anabolic steroids there is a large spike in the amount of testosterone in your body, in turn, the body to counteracts this with more estrogen. In the male body the estrogen has more of an effect because the male body is built for a set level of both, so men develop larger breasts. Females however really only grow more unnatural body hair.

What happens if you have no testosterone?

athletes sometimes take steroids because of their testosterone-like effects, anabolic steroids are taken because it makes muscles grow and to look real. Testosterone-like effects have really bad problems on the body depending on the gender for females anabolic steroids mimic male sex hormones females can grow facial hair and shrink females breasts, they begin to lose their female characteristics and gain a deep voice where as for males it's the opposite males on anabolic steroids as they can develop breasts and have a testicular shrinkage men and woman swap characteristics while on anabolic steroids,

What is the difference between anabolic steroids and corticosteroids?

Corticosteroids are medications used to treat inflammatory, immune, and allergic disorders. They treat severe Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, lupus, and skin conditions such as eczema and rashes. They can also treat ear and eye problems and rectal conditions. Corticosteroids are immunosuppressive, that is, they decrease the activity of the immune system and, thus, they are recommended for short-term use only. Doctors are careful about prescribing corticosteroids because of the possible side effects. Corticosteroids are strong medicines, and they carry a risk of side effects such as: weakened bones (osteoporosis), cataracts, increased risk of infections, elevated pressure in the eyes (glaucoma) and so on. Examples of corticosteroids: Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Prednisolone, Cortisporin, Flovent, Orapred, Mometasone, Triamcinolone, Cortisone shots. Anabolic steroids are man-made substances related to the male sex hormone. Medical uses of anabolic steroids include some hormone problems in men, late puberty, and muscle loss from some diseases. Anabolic steroids are classified as a C-III drug and are controlled by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Examples of anabolic steroids: Anadrol (oxymetholone), Oxandrin (oxandrolone), Winstrol (stanozolol), Dianabol (methandrostenolone), Equipoise (boldenone), Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone). Anabolic steroids are also called performance-enhancing drugs because bodybuilders and athletes often use anabolic steroids to build muscles and to improve athletic performance. But, it is illegal and unsafe for bodybuilders and athletes to use anabolic steroids for increasing muscle mass, strength and endurance because anabolic steroids have long-term harmful effects. The harmful effects include: -- kidney failure -- acne and cysts -- aggressive behavior -- liver disease, including cancer -- heart problems, including heart attack -- breast growth and shrinking of testicles in men

How many people suffer from negative effects of steroids?

How many people use anabolic steroids?In 1994, 1,084,000 Americans, or 0.5 percent of the adult population, said that they had used anabolic steroids, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. In the 18 to 34 age group, about 1 percent had ever used steroids; for ages 35 and older, that figure went down to 0.2 percent. More men than women had used the drugs: 0.9 percent of men and 0.2 percent of women said they had ever taken steroids..NIDA's Monitoring the Future study has tracked anabolic steroid use among middle school and high school students in the United States since 1989. From 1989 to 1996, there was a slight, gradual decline in the number of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders who had ever used steroids or used them in the past year. In 1996, 1.8 percent to 2.4 percent of these students had ever used steroids, and 0.9 percent to 1.5 percent had used them in the last year.

Can men accept and date infertile women?

Some men will accept an infertile woman and some won't. Just believe in your heart that there are many cool men waiting for you on this planet.

What are interesting facts about steroids?

Anabolic steroids can be authorized for use for delayed puberty, AIDs, or cancer. Side effects are: mood swings, manic behavior, insomnia, and irritability. Steroids can cause men to lose their hair and their fertility. Steroids can also cause stunted growth, kidney failure, and liver failure. They typically cause depression and lack of a physical drive. Steroids are highly addictive.

Are steroids good for body builders?

Well there are two types, one that makes your muscles bigger and the other is if you have a very bad pain, it's used as medication for it. Steroids have many side effects that can be very deadly. Not only are steroids bad for you but they can make your testicles shrink and affect your ability to have kids.