

Do any fish use echolocation

Updated: 11/7/2022
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11y ago

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Yes there are, in fact there are several fish that use echolocation such as dolphins, river dolphins, killer whales, and sperm whales; in addition, it's also used by porpoises

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Q: Do any fish use echolocation
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How does echolocation help dolphins?

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How does echolocation help dolphins survive?

Dolphins use echolocation to "see" around them when the water is murky. They can use it when they can't see with their eyes and also use it to locate fish and prey.

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echolocation bounces off the fish

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dolphins use echolocation to shock the fish and know where it is

How and where does a dolphin find it's food?

They find fish by using echolocation. Echolocation is a sensory sonar system that dolphins use for communication also, and for locating things in their environment, like fish for them to eat. Here is an example of how they do it:

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Bats use echolocation.

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Do a ghost faced bat use echolocation?

Yes they do use echolocation

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Echolocation is when you use sound to locate where something is. Bats use it.

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Bats use echolocation to identify objects and where it is.

Do Orcas use echolocation?

Killer whales use sonar which is a form of echolocation.