

Do cane toads eat frogs

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Q: Do cane toads eat frogs
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Do cane toads eat spiders?

Cane toads do eat spiders. They mostly eat insects. They will eat whatever they can fit I their mouths like snails, small frogs, and other cane toads.

Is a cane toad an omnivore or a carnivore?

yes, toads are a carnivore. they eat flies as a source of protein.

What kind of frogs eat fire ants?

It has been said that most frogs do not like to eat ants of any kind. Frogs that are known to eat ants (or fire ants) are cane toads or bull frogs.

Are frogs in Australia classed as vermin?

no but cane toads are

Do cane toads eat eastern banjo frogs?

canetoads eat everything one even ate my friends toe ;P

Do cane toads eat green tree frogs?

well in some causes yes they do if its not bigger than them they will go for it

Have cane toads had a good or bad effect to Australia?

The effects that cane frogs have on the Australia population and ecology is the depletion of native species. Cane frogs are toxic to humans and pets when digested. The cause is that the cane toads are have a mixed of toxins that secret a milky liquid from their parotid glands.

What does a cane eat?

The cane toad's main prey is insects, but will eat any animal it can fit into its mouth. This may include worms, large wood ants, beetles, smaller cane toads, fish, mice, rats, and other frogs.

Why didn't cane toads take over Hawaii?

cane toads eat all native species like insects and snake eat cane toads but then the snake will die from the poison inside the cane toad and might lead into exiction

Do cane toads eat Northern quolls?

No. Unfortunately, however, Northern quolls eat cane toads. This results in them being poisoned by the toxins in the cane toad's skin.

What do toads mainly eat?

toads eat a variety of insects, frogs do as well.

What eats cane toads and how are they affected?

Not many animals eat cane toads because of their warts and their repulsive appearance. The few creatures that eat toads include snakes, and owls. However, cane toads are frequently run over and squashed on the roads.