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If the condominium is an association -- a legal entity in your state -- then the association must file at least a federal tax return, regardless of income and expense levels. State and local tax returns may also be required.

Interest earned on a business bank account, in the case of a condominium association, would be considered income.

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Q: Do condominiums that have a business checking account without interest have to file taxes?
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What is the purpose of high interest checking?

"A high interst checking account is a type of checking account that earns interest. Usually these accounts have higher interest than a regular checking account, but not as high as a savings account."

What is a type of checking account that also earns interest these accounts generally have a minimum balance?

A type of checking account that also earns interest is called an interest-bearing checking account. These accounts typically require a minimum balance to be maintained in order to earn interest.

What is the standard interest rate on an interest bearing checking account at Chase bank?

The standard interest rate on an interest bearing checking account at a Chase bank is 0.01%. They have a variety of checking accounts with the same interest rate or less.

For a small business, what are the benefits of opening a business checking account rather than using a personal checking account?

There are several benefits from opening and maintaining a business checking account rather than using your personal checking account. When you use a business checking account you are segregating your business funds from your personal funds, thus creating better organization for your business. Also, having the business checking account will help at tax time because all your business transactions will be within the business checking account and there will be no need to sort through your personal transactions. Finally, the business checking account will allow you to use a taxpayer identification number (TIN) so the funds can legally be owned by your business, instead of using your social security number on the checking account. For a small business, opening a business checking account allows you to get more interests. In addition, transactions are processed faster compared to a personal account.

What are the disadvantages of using checking accounts?

Many checking accounts do not offer interest on the money in your savings account. This is a disadvantage because the money you put in a savings account will collect interest, where a checking account will not.

Do you paid taxes on checking account?

The only tax you would pay on money in a checking account is any interest the money made if it is a interest type of account.

How is a business checking account different from a personal checking account?

A business checking account is different from a personal checking account by the minimum amount of desposit. You can read more at › Directory › Financial Services › Banking

Does the IRS tax you on your checking account without interest?

No. If your checking account in non interest bearing, then the you will have no interest to report on your income tax return and therefore no tax to pay.

Which has a higher interest rate checking or saving?

Generally a savings account pays more interest, but there are some checking accounts that offer rates that are very competitive to savings accounts.

Are partnerships allowed to earn interest on their checking accounts?

No reason in the world why a legitimate business couldn't find a bank that will give them interest on their checking account. It isn't a common thing, but there is certainly nothing that prevents it legally.

Does BB and T checking account earn interest?

No, only their savings account accrues interest.

Does Bank of America offer a high yield checking account?

Bank of America offers a high yield checking account. They call the account an advantage with tiered interest checking account. The idea behind the account is to leave a lot of money in there for it to gain interest.