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The name is given because they drop their leaves in the Autumn and regrow them in the Spring.

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Q: Do decidious trees stay green all year?
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Do Deciduous trees stay green all year.?

No, deciduous trees drop their leaves in the fall, coniferous trees stay green all year round. yes they do Not all conifers stay green all year round, for example the Larch. Evergreens stay green all year round, some are not conifers.

What name is given to trees that stay green throughout the year?


Do any leaves stay on trees all year?

No they do not, unless it is one of the few all year round green trees.

What is a tree that does not stay green all year?

Deciduous trees (broad leaf trees) such as English Oak, Beech and Elm.

What is cone producing trees with needle like leaves that stay green all year?


Do softwood trees change the colors of there leafs?

the leafs on a pine tree don't change colour they stay green all year but the rest of them change colour like the hardwood trees

Do Deciduous trees stay green always?

deciduous trees go into dormancy over winter relying on stored energy to survive, without the leaves they cant photosynthesize. the exception to this would be in young trees that have green stems that photosynthesize.

Deciduos trees stay green all year?

You have it backwards. Deciduous trees are the ones that lose their leaves in the winter. They're the ones with the colorful leaves in Fall. Conifers are the ones that stay green all year long. They can do that because they have thin needles instead of leaves, and needles don't freeze as easily as leaves do.

How much Rainfall does the decidious Forest get a year?

32 inches average

Why do leaves in the north stay green all year long?

Could you be more specific? Some types of trees are evergreens, meaning they retain green leaves throughout the year. Also, some "northern" locations are warmer than others.

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How does an evergreen stay green all year round?

yes it does. It stays green all year round.