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The rate at which a candle burns has little to do with the wick. It's all about the wax. When a candle is burning, what's actually on fire is the wax. Yes, the wick burns down along with the rest of the candle, but only the top of it is incinerated. The wick acts as, well, a wick. Liquid wax goes into the wick and up along its fibers by capillary action when a candle is burning. You are familiar with capillary action. That's where liquids, or the atoms or molecules of those liquids, climb around along or inside porous materials. Get a little drop of grease on a shirt, and soon there's a spot as big as a saucer,or at least it seems like it. (The size of the spot will be proportional to how much we like the shirt.) That's capillary action. The molten wax climbs up the wick and is burned when a candle is alight. There are different mixes of wax that permit longer burning, but that begets another question.

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Q: Do different candle wicks affect how fast candles burn?
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Candles is the plural of candle. Candles needs no apostrophe.If you write something that belongs to a candle or candles, you need an apostrophe.The candle's wick burned low.The candles' wicks would not stay lit.

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The vapor has a sexual reproduction of air to wicks and waxs.

Are there different types of candle wicks?

yes there are 4 types. The types are, flat wicks (the most commonly used type of wick), which are mostly used in taper or pillar candles, square wicks, also mostly used in taper or pillar candles, cored wicks (usually filled with zinc, cotton, paper, or tin), which are mostly used in jar candles, pillars, votives, and devotional lights, and special/oil lamp wicks, used in oil lamps and insect-repelling lamps.

How did the Romans make a wick for a candle?

The ancient Romans did not make wicks for candles because they never had them. They used oil lamps.

Why does a white candle burn at a faster rate than a colored candle?

Coloring of a candle does not affect the burn time of candles. Larger wicks on candles may cause it to burn faster, and the type of wax used also affects burning rate. Soft wax, typically found in jars, has a higher oil content, which allows it to burn faster. Pillar candles most commonly use harder wax, which will burn slower.

What differentiates wood wick candles from candles that have regular wicks?

"A wood wick candle has a wick that is made of wood, whereas the wick in a regular candle is made from a piece of braided string. The wood wick is meant to give the sound of crackling wood."

Does area affect a candels burning rate?

The area of a candle itself would not normally affect the burning rate of the candle, but the area and transport rate of the candle wick could affect these properties. When in use, mot candles burn at the upper end of their wicks, to which the liquefied material of the candle is transported through its wick to bring the liquefied material into optimal contact with oxygen from the air. If a wick is extra large and/or transports the liquefied substance of the candle with more speed than average, the candle would burn faster.

Where can someone purchase candle wicks?

http://www.unitywoodenwicks.comI just ordered wooden wicks from this site.

What is the meaning of a 3 wick christma candle?

The wick in a candle is the string in the middle of the wax, which you light to make a flame. Some very wide candles have three wicks, producing three flames. In a Christmas candle this could represent the Holy Trinity.

Why does a candle flame tapers at the top and bottom?

A candle structure includes a candle body and a plurality of wicks. The candle body is configured with a top and bottom surface, and an outside wall that tapers substantially inward from the top surface to the bottom surface. The plurality of wicks is configured to supply air through the gaps of standing wicks that protrude from the top surface of the candle structure. The plurality of wicks extends above the body and the wicks are aligned longitudinally. The plurality of wicks is arranged radially to taper outward toward the bottom surface of the candle body.

How did colonial people make color candles?

They melted tallow and/or wax in a kettle over an open fire. The hung the wicks from a stick and poured the melted tallow over the wicks. With each pouring, one layer of the tallow solidified on the wick. Then another pouring created another layer and so on until the candle was large enough.