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Yes, in fact they can. It's rare, but sometime a "maiden" dog will not recognize her young as they are being born. Also, the dam will have a strong instinct to chew more than normal on the umbilical cord. This can result in the dam chewing on the legs of the puppy. In very rare cases the dam can continue on and eat the puppy. Dams who have undergone a C-section, who are also maidens, will not relate to the puppies for about 24 hours, they may very well want to kill them. Part of the reason for this is the anesthesia and the disorientation that results from it. This is seen much more in Terriers and other dogs with a strong prey drive.

When I help whelp a litter, I take the puppy as it is being born and break the sac and tie off the umbilical cord. I dry off the pup with a small, rough towel to stimulate it. Once it's viable, I place it in a shoebox lined with a towel and lay a thin towel over the box. I do not let the dam have the puppies until they are all born and things have settled down.

Do not let any other dogs in the area while whelping a litter, nor after the pups are born. Other dogs in the household may very well kill the puppies, too. This is not as much of an issue once they are over two weeks old.

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Q: Do dogs eat their puppies while whelping?
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No. Just the sack.

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For the first few weeks, puppies are nursed on milk produced by the mother dog. As the pups develop they need to start transitioning to solid food. If assistance from the breeder is not available to produce gruel for the puppies to eat, the mother dog will eat and partially digest food which she then vomits for the puppies to eat. This sustains the puppies while they practice eating solid food until they are able to digest it themselves.

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because dog are dogs and dogs like eating off the ground its a habit for the dogs to do that :)

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All Dogs eat raw meat or bones, but not fish or chicken.

Why do puppies eat gress?

Puppies and dogs eat GRASS in order to help with their digestive system. In other words, it helps them go to the bathroom and get rid of the junk in their sstem.

Do dogs eat puppies feces?

Yes, dogs do indeed eat puppy feces. They eat small amounts when grooming or licking the anus to help stimulate defecation in puppies. They may eat larger amounts of feces to clean up after the puppies. That has a role in the wild of helping to hide from predators. The puppy waste may draw predators, and eating it gets rid of it.

How do dogs eat when they are in the moms belly?

Well um they have something connected to them and it feeds the puppies

When do dogs have puppies and can dogs eat puppies?

Well when a dog mates with another dog ( one clings to back of other one ) they are likely to be parents after a while :) or if your female dog has not had the baby injection to stop them having babies ), they cud possibly hav babies at any random point of its life. Signs of pregnant dog - crying, squealing, butt licking, black trails of like wet stuff around the house and other things that look unusual :) .