

Do farmers like aphids

Updated: 11/21/2022
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15y ago

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No, because aphids can ruin a field or lawn. They dine on food and garden crops. They secrete honeydew, which can turn into sooty mold on plant leaves. The honeydew attracts ants, and the mold is unattractive.

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Q: Do farmers like aphids
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A ladybug eats aphids usually but sometimes other plant-eating insects. Ladybugs can eat up to 5,000 aphids in their life which is why farmers seem to like the little critters.

What do ladybirds do to crops?

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They are farmers. Farmers love ladybugs. They buy them to put on their crops like potatoes because ladybugs eat and kill aphids which eat the farmer's crops.

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yes... Aphids are small bugs that eat and destroy plants and farmer's crops, but ladybird's eat aphids, so they are useful to farmers and gardners.

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No, lady*bugs* do not eat slugs there diets contain aphids and mites such as plants. Ladybug's favorite food are aphids and mites. They simply walk up to the little critters and eat them. As aphids and alike are often destructive to gardens, ladybugs can be purchased commercially as a natural garden pest control in many areas. A ladybug eats aphids usually but sometimes other plant-eating insects. Ladybugs can eat up to 5,000 aphids in their life which is why farmers seem to like the little critters.

How is ladybug helpful to man?

They are useful to farmers because ladybug/ladybirds eats the aphids on the crops which sucks the sap of the plant.

What do ladybugs contribute to the world?

They help the world by killing aphids that can kill crops so that farmers don't have to use poison

Do ladybugs eat your pants?

No. They like aphids.

What are afraid of aphids?

Aphids, as tiny insects, probably don't feel emotions such as fear. If they did, they would certainly be terrified of ladybugs, which consume aphids like candy. The aphids themselves are vegetarians, sucking the juices out of roses and other flowers.

Do ladybugs eat leaves on Earth?

Ladybugs actuallly eat other bugs, such as mites, and aphids.

What does Lady Bird eat?

Lady Birds eat aphids, which in turn eat plants. For this reason, Organic farmers use them as a form of pest control, as the aphids eat their crops and the Lady Birds keep the population under control.

What happens if a ladybug eats grass?

like i know they eat aphids, but do they also eat grass? aphids AND grass?? someone please answer.