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YES they definantly do,and mothers too or they will lock you arrest just contempt of year in county detention.I know this first hand.

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Q: Do fathers have to pay child support in South Carolina if they are not working?
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What were the states that succeeded in the civil war?

South Carolina

Why did South Carolina give support to South Carolina?

so they could party to the dubstep

How do people in South Carolina make money?

by working!

Jobs in the South Carolina colony?

The were quite a number of jobs in the South Carolina colony. Some of them included working in farms, working in factories and plantations among others.

Do South Carolina support slavery?

Yes because north Carolina and south carolina used to be one state but when tennsions started growing between the north and south they split so south Carolina was part of the south that supported slavery

If you are granted full custody of a child does the noncustodial parent still pay child support in South Carolina?

Yes, child support and custodial arrangements are separate issues and are treated as such by the court.

How can you get help with your child support arrears in South Carolina?

What kind of help?

If you owe child support in South Carolina can you get a drivers license?

You might be able to get a drivers license, but if so you will soon get a notice suspending that license. I suggest you contact the child support agency in SC about working out a payment plan.

Why are wages garnished in South Carolina?

Wages cannot be garnished for credit card debt in South Carolina. They can be garnished for unpaid taxes and child support.

Why did the British think they might find support in the southern colonies?

There were a lot of loyalists living in the backcountry of Georgia and South Carolina

Can you be arrested in Florida for child support in South Carolina?

Ye, see links below

In what state was support for secession strongest after Abraham Lincoln was elected president?

south carolina