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Yes! My guinea pigs love apples! Just as a treat though, not too much. A small slice every few days is good.

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14y ago

Yes, but do not give them too much.

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Can gienea pigs eat apples?

yes guinea pigs can eat apples but not too many

Why do guinea pigs have predators?

Guinea Pigs have so much predators because they are easy to catch and delicious as well.

What the best bread of dog if you have guinea pigs?

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Are guinea pigs allowed to eat apple?

yes, guinea pigs can have apples.... but not too much. if you try to give them apples and they won't eat it don't feed it to them anymore. also NEVER feed them might be better just to not give them apples just to be careful.

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Who are Guinea Pigs Aloud? Are they like a girl band or something? Seriously though, piggies can have small amounts, but excess apple will cause sore mouths :(

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Can guinea pigs eat golden syrup?

No, I don't think so

Do guinea pigs prefer guinea pig food or fruit?

They NEED guinea pig food daily, but they do enjoy fruit and veggies and need those leafy greens! You can give apples, tomatoes, AND iceburg lettuce to guinea pigs. Apples have Vit. C and they are a nice treat. But the veg/fruit that has the most Vit. C is red/green/yellow pepper and guinea pigs love it and gobble it up! Tomatoes are fine i feed my guinea pigs tomatoes, but it's up to you. Iceburg lettuce is like hay for a horse. It's filling his stomach. Iceburg lettuce you can infact feed to guinea pigs......It has little vitamins but they can have it. ^^

Can hamsters and guinea pigs eat apples?

i dont know about hamsters, since i dont have one, but guinea pigs can have apples. some wont eat them, others love them, remember to cut up the apple and never give them the seeds or the core.

Can guinea pigs eat apples?

Yes of course!! They love apples, but don't feed them too much. It could make them sick.Yes they can

What food to grow for guinea pigs?

there are many foods guinea pigs will eat but i reccamend things like carrots, cucumbers, parsley, apples,lettuce and so on

What do guinea pigs need to live?

food and water. you can buy their food at a pet store. They also like fresh greens and fruits. My guinea pigs love romaine lettuce, carrots, and apples!!!