

Do mentally retarded know the cause and effect?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Do mentally retarded know the cause and effect?
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Would a mentally retarded person know the consequences of murder?

Possibly not if they were severely retarded.

How do you know if your mother is mentally retarded?

You don't need to know. You just have to love her.

What is your IQ?

An IQ is an Intelligence Quotient. If your IQ falls between 100-129 you are average. If your IQ is below 70 you are mentally retarded.

What should you get a mentally retarded girl in a wheelchair for her thirteenth birthday?

First of all, you can give her the respect of not being referred to as "retarded". If she is mentally slow that does not mean she doesn't like the same thing the other girls her age like. If you can speak with her family then you might ask them what she wants and get her something that you know she's looking forward to getting.

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In the beginning of the book, Daniel Keyes uses wrong spelling because Charlie is mentally retarded, and he doesn't know how to read or write.

Do retarded people know they are retarded?

There are mentally challenged people who are well aware of the fact that they are different, they also know that they can do things maybe not as well as other people, but they will try to do their best to their ability. there are also people who suffer from severe retardation, so they would not be aware of their surroundings.

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i dont have an answer bt i want to know what cause it

What is about obesity among mentally retarded?

Mentally disabled people are not able to think logically about things like dieting. They know that food tastes good, and they want it. It is hard for them to plan ahead and think that eating too much might make them fat. Think of them as very large toddlers, and you will get along better. If a toddler, or a mentally disabled person, needs to lose weight, the best way is just not to have extra food around. If they know the food is there, they will be unhappy and want it.

Can you be mentally challenged and not know it?

Yes, it is possible for someone to be mentally challenged and not be aware of it. Certain intellectual disabilities or developmental disorders may affect a person's cognitive abilities and their ability to understand or recognize their own limitations. In some cases, individuals may not have the awareness or insight into their condition due to their cognitive impairments.

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Tradition Christians believe in infant baptism, the reason being , as one can not tell whether a baby will grow up mentally retarded, so then he will not know god. So the best thing is to have infant baptism.

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What is the cause and effect of groundwater mining what impact does it have on the water table and lake or stream levels?

i don't know the cause, but the effect is that lake and stream levels will drop!!