

Do ostriches have teeth

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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No, ostrich do not have teeth. There is a photoshopped picture on the web that shows a closeup of an ostrich with a beakful of teeth, but it is not a real photo. The teeth appear to be those of a canine. So if it has a beak there no teeth.

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Is an ostrich a mammals?

No, ostriches aren't mammals because they don't have fur like animals and and they don't have teeth like mammals do. They do not nurse their young, as mammals do. Ostriches, though they don't fly, are classified as birds

Are ostriches mammals?

No. Ostriches are in the bird family. Ostriches are very large birds which, along with the emu (an Australian bird), are the biggest birds. Ostriches aren't mammals because they don't have fur like other animals and and they don't have teeth like mammals have too. Nor do they feed their young on mothers' milk.

Do ostriches eat stones and lay large eggs?

Yes and yes, Ostriches lay eggs that are 7 inches long, 4.5 inches wide, and weigh more than 3 pounds. Also, Ostriches don't have teeth, so they eat stones and store them in their second stomach (a.k.a. gizzard) to grind up their food for them.

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A pride of ostriches

A group of ostrich are called?

Groups of ostriches are called herds or flocks. Ostriches generally wander around in groups of five or less, they are considered nomadic.

Do ostriches eat stones?

Yes, Ostriches don't have teeth, so they eat stones and store them in their second stomach (a.k.a. gizzard) to grind up their food for them.

Where do ostriches go for migration?

Ostriches generally don't migrate.

When was A Deal in Ostriches created?

A Deal in Ostriches was created in 1894.

What country do ostriches live in?

Ostriches Origanlly came from Africa. You may find Ostriches here in Austraila, but not in the wild.

Does nine ostriches weigh more than a ton?

No. 9 ostriches are around 810 pounds. 22 ostriches is closest to a ton.

Why do ostriches lay eggs?

So they can repopulate the amour of ostriches in the world. Let me put it this way: 0 eggs = Extinct ostriches