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Until a child turns the legal age of eighteen, the parent retains full custody and rights unless otherwise mandated by the courts.

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Q: Do parents have legal rights over a child who is 17 and still in school in Missouri?
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Do parents have the rights to get child's school records?

Yes they do.

What rights do you have to your child that was adopted out in Missouri who has contacted you?

Until the child is an adult you have no rights. The adoptive parents have to give you permission to contact between you two as long as the child is a minor.

What rights protects the teen ager?

Teenagers have no rights. They are minors until they reach 18. The parents and the school ( while they are in school) are responsible for the minor child.

What are the custodial parents rights in Missouri when a child was not returned passed his court ordered length of visitation and turned 17 in the process and told he can choose where to stay now?

The child does not have the right on Missouri. At this point the child is considered a runaway, so you file charges.

Do parents still have rights after they child gets married?

Yes. parents have always rights to the child. Because the exist of child in the earth is only for their parents.

Can guardians relinquish child back to parents after parents rights were terminated?

No as that would be considered child abandonment.

What is the state law in Missouri concerning payment of child support if a child quits school at age 16 but still lives in the custodial parents home?

I'm not familiar with Missouri law, but I'm certain that the child support obligation would continue in such a case.

Parents rights over an adult child?

In the US, parents have no rights over an adult child unless that adult child has been declared mentally incompetent by the court and the parents were appointed guardians as a result of that.

Can a parent get in trouble for their truant child in the state of Missouri?

Yes, the parents will be charged a heft fine if the child does not attend school. They will first be informed via mail, and may be summoned to court.

What rights do parents have over their 17 year old child who moved out in Missouri?

The same you had before she moved out. She is still a minor and the law see no difference between a 17yo and a 14yo.

Parents rights when a child is rebellious?

A parent has a right to discipline there children when they are rebellious. They can take something from them or send them off to military school.

Can a child drop out of school with parents permission in Missouri at age 16?

Yes . A Child Of The Age 16 In Missouri, May Dropout With Parental Permission !