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I would love to know the answer to this question as I am O- myself, and have a history of anxiety issues, mild depression.

If anyone can answer this question - please feel free to do so!

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Q: Do people with O- blood type have more mental illness?
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Why would someone bleed excessively?

If its a mental health disorder then no. A person may have a biological condition which means they do bleed easily and that may be linked to the mental illness, but the mental illness itself would not be a direct cause of the bleeding problem itself.

Can you become a social worker with a mental health history?

No you can't. They can discriminate against any type of mental illness. You cannot also become a very good social worker because of you understanding of mental illness. Mental illness is still very stigmatized but there are many many people who suffer and many people who are highly functional in their jobs. You can read about the Disability Discrimination Act and go to website for more information.

Are women more likely to get a mental illness?

Prevalence is about 50/50.

When you have anxiety do you feel like its a more serious mental illness?

Many who suffer anxiety have a mentall illness such as depression, bi-polar disorder, or schizophrenia. This in no way, however, means that you do have a mental illness. Some people suffer from extreme anxiety, but are otherwise completely normal. If you feel something is wrong, I advise you to talk to your doctor.

Another word for mentally ill person?

Psychologically or psychiatrically afflicted is the general term. Mental illness, sometimes called insanity or madness, refers to more serious disorders such as psychopathy or schizophrenia, while mental disorder is a general term that includes mental illness but also those disorders where there is no serious reasoning impairment. The term mental illness is used erroneously and frequently by less mature and less enlightened people to designate any mental disorder. I have 4 certifcates and a diploma in psychology and am working on another diploma.

Are people with type O blood more prone to vomiting?

There isn't a certain blood type prone to vomiting. Certain mental types? Sure.

How do you clam someone with mental illness down?

This is a tricky one, as it depends on the individual as well as what illness it is that they have. More information would be nice, if possible

Are genius and mental illness connected?

There is no indication that high intelligence potential is connected in any way with mental illness. We do tend to notice deviations from the so-called norm more when they involve prominent people. We do not, however, notice the far greater number of people who have problems but do not get as much attention, nor the very bright folks who don't have problems.

Can intelligent persons become mentally ill?

Yes. Mental illness is not related to intellect. It is possible that intelligent people are more prone to certain types of mental illnesses. There is a saying that there is a very fine line between genius and insanity. Nietzsche was said to be a brilliant thinker, and he was, at least during his more lucid moments. Then we have Van Gogh, a brilliant painter who somehow thought that mailing his own ear to his girlfriend was an appropriate thing to do. On the other end of the spectrum, mental illness exists as well. Mental institutions occasionally have mentally challenged persons who also suffer psychoses. So people with any level of intellect can suffer mental illness.

Do the dutch have more mental illness than is considered normal?

Yes! Especially Brian Fitzgerald!!!

Is claustraphobia a mental illness?

Yes. however i would classify it as more of disorder. Illness has to strong of a negative connotation for the lack of severity of this metal disorder.

Where is homosexuality considered a mental illness?

No because technically phobias aren't classed as mental illnesses, but people can be treated for them if they are causing impairment. Also Homophobia relates more to the hatred of homosexuals and many people ignore that it is also the fear of (as the two can be expressed through aggression). Also such phobias as Arachnophobia and Acrophobia only relate to the fear itself; the fear of spiders and fear of flying where homophobia is used more as a term for implying the discrimination of homosexuals ("they are "homophobic") rather than the fear of homosexuals.