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Q: Do polar bears live in Alberta?
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Polar Bears do not live in Alberta Discuss which 2 basic needs of a polar bear cannot be met in Alberta?

I'm not sure, but I think Alberta isn't cold enough for the polar bears. Also, there might not be enough ice caps in Alberta for the polar bears to live off of. People talk about how the polar bears are struggling to survive because global warming is melting all their ice caps. Many times, if there aren't enough ice caps, the bears can't find food or survive.

Do polar bears live in Antactica?

No, polar bears live only in the Arctic.

In what area do polar bears live?

Polar bears live on the South Arctic

Where do they polar bears live?

Polar bears live in the Arctic.

How many Polar bears in deserts?

Polar bears do not live in the desert. They live in the Arctic.

Why do polar bears live in Oceania?

They don't. Polar bears live in the North Pole.

What region do polar bears live?

polar bears live in the arctic (north pole)

For how long do polar bears live?

Polar bears live for an average of 15 to 18 years.

Do polar bears have live babies or lay eggs?

Polar bears give live birth.

In what setting do polar bears live?

Polar bears live in the Arctic regions.

Do polar bears live individually?

Some of polar bears live individually and some live in groups

Can polar bears survive in the south pole?

Polar bears are indigenous to the Arctic regions. There are no Polar bears on Antarctica.