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Yes. I felt cramping during the early weeks of pregancy. But if any bleeding occurs be sure to call your doctor, especially if your past your first trimester. A miscarrage could be dangersous - life threating. I've had 6 healthy babies and 3 miscarrages. Good luck.

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Q: Do pregnancy symptoms include cramps like you are going to have your period and gas?
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Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

Do symptoms of pregnancy include nausea and vomiting and pre-cramps with flutters as well as a distaste of foods?

They very well could be, but you'll have to wait until after you miss your period to take a test.

Im getting pregnancy symptoms like nausea and period cramps when I dont get a period and I had this before but have implanon Is it possible?

Yes, take a test

Can you get your perid?

If you are a female, you can get your period or menstrual cycle. Some of the symptoms of getting your period include: cramps, bloating, and mood swings.

Im on the IUD but Ive been havin symptoms Tue I started gettin cramps and I thought maybe my period was comin but all I did was spot i took a pregnancy test on Fri and it came out negative?

Being on an IUD and getting symptoms such as cramps and spotting is not your period, nor is it likely a pregnancy. These are common side effects of having an IUD.

Are cramps tightening of the stomach heartburn headaches and strong emotions symptoms of pregnancy?

They were symptoms of my pregnancy, but just because you're experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. They can also be symptoms of being overly stressed which can also affect your period. Well heartburn is definatley a symptom of pregnancy. As you do not get heartburn from stress! Actually all those symptoms are a symptom of pregnancy.

Is a period without cramps a sign of pregnancy?


Are cramps a pregnecy or period symptoms?

They can be either

Can you cramp in early pregnancy symptoms?

Absolutely yes. My first pregnancy symptoms were indistinguishable from my normal PMS symptoms: cramps, sore breasts, fatigue. In fact, it's why I never considered I might be pregnant until my period was over a week late. This lasted throughout the early pregnancy.

What are Sign and symptoms of pregnancy?

This early there are no symptoms.

Are vaginal cramps like yoru period is coming an early sign of pregnancy?

Abdominal cramps can indicate pregnancy, Ovulation, approaching period & UTI. Vaginal cramps is most likely caused by a yeast infection.

You are 15 im getting period cramps and diarrhea does that mean im pregnant?

You're symptoms of pregnancy include: missed period, fatigue, swollen and or tender breasts, mood swings, flu like symptoms, nausea, implantation bleeding (slightly different than a period) etc. Not all women will experience pregnancy symptoms so if you do suspect you might be pregnant, you should take a test rather than relying solely on symptoms. Not all women do experience a missed period during the first few weeks of pregnancy, so again, it is important to use other determinations of pregnancy other than symptoms. It is important for you to confirm your pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure the proper care and safety of you and your new baby. Most of these symptoms will start about two weeks after the first day of your missed period.