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Q: Do some medicine taken during pregnancy cause adhd in babies?
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What are the main reasons for deformed babies?

birth defects or so called "mutations" can be caused by genetics, toxins crossing placenta during pregnancy, a large number of pregnancy complications and problems at delivery including loss of air, loss of blood and medications such as pain relievers crossing the placenta. Drinking alcohol, even once, during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome.

Why Alcoholism is common in learning disabilities?

because during the pregnancy alcohol will mess with the baby babies development and brain damage can cause the learning disabilities.

What are the dangers of isotretinoin?

Isotretinoin can cause serious birth defects, including mental retardation and physical deformities. This medicine should not be used during pregnancy.

What is the cause of taking medicine during pregnancy?

I'm not sure about the cause, but whoever is taking the medicine will know what caused them to take it. Either they had it prescribed because they need it, or it makes them feel better (or both). I expect you actually want to know about the effect of taking medicine during a pregnancy, and unfortunately that is a question only a doctor can answer. There are too many different types of medication and too many different types of people to give advice about this. Effects are generally negative, so unless a doctor has advised it, it is a bad idea to take medication during your pregnancy.

Can oatmeal cause heartburn during pregnancy?

Honey, anything in the world causes heartburn during pregnancy.

Does bleeding during pregnancy cause miscarriage?


Can smoking during pregnancy cause twins?

No it can not.

Does pregnancy cause inflammation in the uterus?

Pregnancy does not cause inflammation in the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy would serve no biological purpose.

What cause schizophrenia during pregnancy?

Viruses during the second trimester may be a cause of schizophrenia.

Does maternal antidepressant use during pregnancy cause adverse neonatal outcomes?

Does maternal antidepressant use during pregnancy cause adverse neonatal outcomes

Can uterine fibroids cause problems during pregnancy?

Fibroids can cause problems during pregnancy because they often grow in size. Large fibroids can cause pain and lead to premature labor. Fibroids cannot be removed during pregnancy because of the risk of injury to the uterus

Would pregnancy cause TMJ?

stress during pregnancy can lead to tempromandibular disorder