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It would not be surprising if not expected even...

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Q: Do teens become stressed out and stubborn during teen pregnancy?
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A mother being stressed during her pregnancy is that good or bad?

no she must feel reliefed and not worry no

What color do your nails become during pregnancy?

a little bit purple

When during your cats gestation will her nipples swell?

Yes, during the later part of pregnancy they will swell and become slightly red.

Do horses stand during pregnancy?

No. Because when they run, their back legs hit their tummy, and could squish the baby. yes but not after 3 weeks of pregnancy

Why does your nipples become sore or sensitive during pregnancy?

They become sore due to the changes going on within your breast - the production of milk.

Cat bite during pregnancy?

a cat shouldn't bit during pregnancy, cats become more loving, a cat may bite you after she has had the litter because she will be very protective of them and will be wary if if she is very tame

When do your breasts become sore during pregnancy?

Yes. Sore breasts in early pregnancy are common. As they begin to develop the mechanism for producing milk, there are a lot of changes and things get a bit crowded.

Can teens have an epidural during pregnancy?

during pregnancy-no during labor yes

Can you ovulating during pregnancy?

No, there is no ovulation or menstruation during pregnancy.

If stress during pregnancy actually has any effect on your child?

Stress during pregnancy may in severe cases provoke abortion. There are statistics that support that babies of stressed mothers weigh less at birth than those with not so stressed mothers. They might also be born premature. It should however not affect the child other than this, but that can be severe enough. There are many studies explained on internet regarding this, and most of them are conflicting and lacks proper studying of a group of parents as a whole.

How is a period during pregnancy different?

During pregnancy, the period stops.

Is xylometazoline is safe during pregnancy?

This drug is safe during pregnancy.