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Turkeys do lay 8 to 15 eggs, but not in tree nests. They lay their eggs in shallow holes scooped out of the ground.

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Q: Do turkeys lay 8 to 15 eggs in a small nest in the low branches of a tree?
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Turkeys lay approximately 8 to 15 eggs in small nest in the low branches of a tree true or false?


How does a bird build its nest?

First the parents start searching twigs and small branches, then puts the eggs inside.

How do turkeyS breed AND INcubate the eggs?

turkeys after breeding, begin to lay there clutch (eggs), turkeys lays about one egg a day, the turkey does not begin to incubate the eggs til she has about 8 or so in the nest. once she has a majority of the eggs in the nest she will begin to incubate, while incubating she will only leave the nest to feed and for waste removal for at most 20 minutes, she will continue to add eggs to the nest, 20 or more eggs sometimes. after 28 days of incubating the eggs, the eggs first deposited in the nest will begin to hatch. the young are totally precocail, so the young can feed on there own almost right away.

Where douse tame turkeys lay there eggs?

in a nest! by the way you spelt dose wrong

Where does a turkey make their nest?

Turkey's are ground nesting birds. So, in the woods (not usually open fields or hedges) they will scratch together a "nest" of leaves and lay a few eggs. They have been known to lay non-fertile eggs to distract predators from the real nest.

Do turkeys lay eggs in grass?

Yes. There is a nest on my farm located in dry grass about 18 inches tall with 16 eggs in the clutch.

How many many eggs do turkeys lay?

Most hens (female turkeys) lay a clutch of 12-14 eggs per spring. If a nest is destroyed by a predator, the hen will get bred again, and then lay another clutch of 12-14 eggs.

Will turkey come back for eggs?

wild turkeys will return to their nests if scared off, continued harrassment might lead them to abandon their nest...turkeys are good least the hens are...Male turkeys take no part in rearing young

Does harpy eagles dig holes?

No they don't. They lay there eggs on the tree branches in a really deep nest...

How do the birds do their own nest?

they get twigs, small branches, etc. then put it together.

Do turkeys lay eggs?

"No. Turkeys can't fly." Wrong answer....turkeys DO fly. They will not lay eggs in a nest in a tree however. They make nests on the ground in thick cover and that is where they lay their eggs. Hope that helps.

What is a a turkeys nest called?

A clutch