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Yes you will go to hell if committed suicide. The Bible in God’s words states that the biggest sin is hurting ourselves, or others.

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Ava Baker

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3y ago
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11y ago

Opinion 1

I say yes. I think that in order to be saved, that people must do an amazing act of lifelong service, which causes them to necessarily do God's Will for the remainder of their lives. Suicide is against God's Will, so those who do it cannot be included in those people who are to be saved.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

The IDEA is: The Bible says do not commit murder. You kill yourself, so you've murdered yourself. The Bible says you must ASK for forgiveness. You Can't ask for forgiveness if you're dead. Meaning you cannot enter heaven, thus you go to hell.

Opinion 2

There is no reason to think that one would go to hell for committing suicide there is in fact no reference to it other then that made up by men and they only have their own imagination to work with when it come to interpreting rules that were after all created by other men.

Opinion 3

The Catholic Church says that there is no way of knowing, because God judges based on a variety of factors, so one bad factor (suicide) does not mean that the other factors are also against the person.

Lutherans would say that if the person who killed himself had a good enough faith in Jesus and in Christianity, he would be saved, but if not, he would be condemned.

Opinion 4

Actually, the above is not a correct interpretation of the Lutheran stand on suicide. Whether or not one is saved is not dependent on degrees of faith, but on whether he/she accepts Jesus as his/her Lord and Saviour.

Lutheran theology notwithstanding, there is no definitive answer for this question. Remember that God is a God of love, and He certainly understands pain. Who knows what compassion he might feel for the soul that is so stricken that he/she cannot bear to continue living?

However, that soul is showing an absence of faith that God can make good come out of bad if he/she chooses to end his/her life. Trust God, hand your life with all its messes over to him, and wait to see what He can do with it. Not having faith is not a reason to go to hell. There is always a way out, even if it is not what we would choose.

There is nothing in the Bible to directly suggest that one will go to hell if one commits suicide. Murder of oneself is certainly against God's law, and a terrible thing to do It's also something of which one cannot repent, because one is no longer alive to realise the terrible mistake. But God is a God of love, and He really does not want any soul to be lost. He is the One who judges, and judges fairly.

Opinion 5

I believe that, in some circumstances, you will not go to Hell. I believe, that if the person is depressed enough and being bullied enough, that the person will believe that there is no way out, so they commit suicide to get to that better place Christians (like me) call heaven. But if there is no good reason for it, they might not be as lucky.

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12y ago

Psalm 146:4 says: "His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish." When a person dies, his impersonal spirit does not go on existing in another realm as a spirit creature. It "returns to the true God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:7) This means that any hope of future life for that person now rests entirely with God.

The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Plato held that a soul inside a person survives death and never dies. What does the Bible teach about the soul? Adam "came to be a living soul," says Genesis 2:7. He did not receive a soul; he was a soul-a whole person. The Scriptures speak of a soul's doing work, craving food, being kidnapped, experiencing sleeplessness, and so forth. (Leviticus 23:30;Deuteronomy 12:20; 24:7; Psalm 119:28) Yes, man himself is a soul. When a person dies, that soul dies.-Ezekiel 18:4.

What, then, is the condition of the dead? When pronouncing sentence upon Adam, Jehovah stated: "Dust you are and to dust you will return." (Genesis 3:19) Where was Adam before God formed him from the dust of the ground and gave him life? Why, he simply did not exist! When he died, Adam returned to that state of complete absence of life. The condition of the dead is made clear at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, where we read: "The dead know nothing . . . In the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." (New International Version) Scripturally, death is a state of nonexistence. The dead have no awareness, no feelings, no thoughts.

Since the dead have no conscious existence, hell cannot be a fiery place of torment where the wicked suffer after death. What, then, is hell? Examining what happened to Jesus after he died helps to answer that question. The Bible writer Luke recounts: "Neither was [Jesus] forsaken in Hades [hell, King James Version] nor did his flesh see corruption."(Acts 2:31) Where was the hell to which even Jesus went? The Apostle Paul wrote: "I handed on toyou . . . that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, yes, that he has been raised up the third day according to the Scriptures." (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4) So Jesus was in hell, the grave, but he was not abandoned there, for he was raised up, or resurrected.
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15y ago

Christians believe life is God-given and not ours to dispose of. Therefore, to the Christian, suicide is a sin. However, we are all sinners and therefore we cannot 'go to heaven' or 'go to hell' because of what we do because if that was true we would all be damned. Jesus' sacrifice for us on the Cross put paid to sin for all time and opened up the way for us to be with the Father. It is through trust in him that we are saved - not by what we do or don't do. So if we trust in Jesus, we will be saved through God's grace. Regarding suicide being better 'for everyone around you', this is never the right course of action. As someone who once suffered from acute depression for a while, when the 'only way out' seemed the 'best way out' my faith and the love that surrounded me from family and friends - and God - helped me overcome those feelings. I am now training for ministry myself - completely restored to health, and eager to continue life. Even if family and friends desert you, even if you or someone you know feels that the 'only way out' is the 'best way out' you must never forget that God still loves you and wants the best for you. If you are young, it is likely that he has a plan for you in life that you know nothing about yet. In my own case, if you had said just two years ago that I would now be training for the Anglican priesthood, at the ripe age of 54, sitting among students in college, writing essays (like a schoolkid!) I'd have laughed at you. But God works in mysterious ways, and one day, no doubt, he will work in you in the most unlikely way and certainly in a way you will not expect. Take heart then that in this life you are never alone - God and God's love is always with you. Snatch glimpses of that love in a beautiful sunset, a wonderful piece of music, a painting of rare beauty, in the smile of a young child... and pray that God will show you the way for the rest of your life - and I pray that that life may be long and prosperous. God bless you.

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12y ago

As noted earlier, some religions teach that if a person lives a bad life, after death he will go to a place of fiery torment to suffer forever. This teaching dishonors God. Jehovah is a God of love and would never make people suffer in this way. (1 John 4:8) How would you feel about a man who punished a disobedient child by holding his hands in a fire? Would you respect such a man? In fact, would you even want to get to know him? Definitely not! You would likely think that he was very cruel. Yet, Satan wants us to believe that Jehovah tortures people in fire forever-for countless billions of years!

18 Satan also uses some religions to teach that after death people become spirits who must be respected and honored by the living. According to this teaching, the spirits of the dead can become powerful friends or terrible enemies. Many people believe this lie. They fear the dead and give them honor and worship. In contrast, the Bible teaches that the dead are sleeping and that we should worship only the true God, Jehovah, our Creator and Provider.-Revelation 4:11.

19 Knowing the truth about the dead protects you from being misled by religious lies. It also helps you to understand other Bible teachings. For example, when you realize that people do not pass on to the spirit realm at death, the promise of everlasting life on a paradise earth takes on real meaning for you.

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14y ago

God alone knows who is in Hell. According to mainstream Catholic teaching it is ill-advised (and may even be blasphemous) to speculate about the precise identities of the damned.

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Ordinary Kelyn

Lvl 3
2y ago

Yes you will go to hell if you kill yourself.

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