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The power to "grant" a divorce does not lie with you it lies with the family courts. You cannot force your spouse to stay married to you. The court will establish child support (and alimony, if any) based on the needs of the parties and the ability to pay.

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Q: Do you have to grant the wish of your spouse for a divorce knowing you will end up paying for child support and alimony?
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Does a woman have to pay a man spousal support alimony?

If you live in an exclusively no fault divorce state like Colorado, and you make more than your husband, you will probably have to pay him alimony. It all depends on the specific laws in the state in which you divorce.

What is meant by the term texas divorce?

The term a "Texas divorce" means no-fault divorce. Which means neither party is responsible for the divorce, so no party is responsible for paying alimony.

What happens if you front load or disguise child support or a property division as alimony?

Child support is not mandatory and can be included as a provision of Alimony, which is financially beneficial to the one paying. see link below

Does alimonysupport have to continue if the person receiving alimony remarries?

No, upon remarriage alimony would cease. However if you are paying for child support, this will and should continue after the new marriage because you are still responsible for paying for your share of bringing up YOUR children.

Alimony v Child Support-What are benefits and negatives of one over the other?

Actually, limited time alimony is better to pay than child support. Child support separate from alimony only became common some 40 years ago. Alimony is tax deductible, while child support is not. When calculating child support, alimony is a deductible item from gross earned income on which the calculations are based, thus less child support is ordered. In addition, the alimony adds to the total taxable the other parent, resulting in them taking on a greater obligation in the support of the children. Balancing the benefits of one over the other is something to discuss with a tax accountant. Reducing taxable income, as a result of paying alimony, could bring the obligor into a lower tax bracket. Combining this with the lower child support obligation could actually create an overall savings as compared to just paying child support.

If paying alimony and ex spouse becomes eligible to draw Social Security on ex spouse who is paying alimony can alimony payments stop?

It depends on the wording of the alimony decree. Generally, the alimony and the Social Security are independent of one another.

When paying child support ends can your ex take you to court for alimony?

no, but I would like to know if she's trying to. Message me.

When you move from one state to the another?

if i am paying alimony in florida and move to new jersey can i stop paying alimony to my ex wife

Demand for Alimony Payment?

Get StartedA divorce decree or separation agreement may specify that one spouse shall assist in the support and maintenance of the other spouse. Alimony is not limited to cash payments. The court may order payment of unreimbursed medical or dental expenses, house payments, or other expenses incurred by the receiving spouse. The court may also order that the paying spouse maintain a life insurance policy on his or her life with the receiving spouse named as a beneficiary.The purpose of this letter is to remind the paying spouse of his or her responsibility to make certain payments and to document the demands for payment.A court which enters a decree of divorce containing an order for support usually retains the power to enter a judgment for delinquent alimony obligations. However, to enforce alimony payments, it may be necessary to obtain the assistance of an attorney.

Can you be put in jail for not paying all of your alimony?


Is alimony taxable?

No, alimony is not taxable. They are basically transferred to fulfill a requirement of the person demanding alimony. If one needs more details they can look for Siddhartha Shah and Associates on the following details. Phone: 093222 86663 Email: lawyersidd

How do I collect my alimony when my husband isn't paying alimony in South Carolina?

Hire an attorney to get this. Hurry