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Yes, auto insurance policy states that you are required to report all accidents (losses) immediately. There are a few reasons for this. The carrier wants to quickly see your vehicle - take photos and write an estimate. If it was a single vehicle loss, and no monies are owed to any other party, they STILL want to do this because, essentially, they are not still insuring the 'same' vehicle. It is now damaged and likely has a different estimated value. Even though damage appraisers can distinguish old damage from new, your carrier has the right to know the condition of this insured vehicle. EVEN IF you don't carry first party collsion coverage on this vehicle, you could have another accident in the future and if we view this vehicle for THAT accident, we already know the damage incurred in the prior accident. If you were in a two car or multiple car collision, your carrier needs to speak with you as soon as possible after the accident - and you should WANT to also; you certainly want both your carrier AND the carriers of any other involved vehicles to hear your side of the story. If you don't, they have only the version given by the other parties and have to make their liability decisions based on what they've heard.

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Q: Do you have to report all car accidents to your insurance company?
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Do you have to report all car accidents to your insurance company when hitting a pedestrian?

of course...

How soon after an auto accident do you have to report it to your insurance company?

IMMEDIATELY, your policy will say, ''you must promptly report all accidents''

How are accidents put on your drivers license?

When they are submitted to the state by a municipality or insurance company they are sent to you driver's history. If you have an accident that is not reported to police, and is handled out of pocket, it will not reach your insurance company or your driving record. Most insure companies require you to report all accidents.

Do you tell your insurance company about an accident if it was not your fault?

Yes. Your policy probably says something to the effect that you must report ALL accidents you're involved in.

Must accidents be mentioned when shopping for car insurance?

Insurance companies have a thing called Clue that they all report to. You can try leaving out that information, but 9 times out of 10 your new insurance company will find out about your history.

How does car insurance work after an accident?

The way car insurance works after an accident is that a report must be made to the insurance company. They will review it and then decide what you new insurance cost will be. Answer: Accidents need to be reported to your insurance company as soon as possible whether you or someone else caused the accident. If police were called to the scene then you must obtain a copy of the police report as well to be sent to your insurance company. All of this if you plan to file the insurance claim through your or the other drivers insurance. Some have accidents but the repairs are so minor that they pay out of pocket rather than getting the insurance companies involved.

Do you report an accident to your own insurance company if you were not at fault?

your insurance contract will have wording similar to the following, ''you must promptly report ALL accidents'' is a good idea to report, just in case a problem regarding liability, policy status, etc. with the other company should occur, and your company can help with that.....if you delay in reporting then a problem occurs your company COULD (rarely do however) refuse to pay.......or assist..........

What happens if you don't report an accident?

Remember that your policy is a legally binding contract. Per the terms of the contract, you are obligated to report any and all accidents promptly to the insurance company and to assist them with the investigation in any way they request.

What company offers the cheapest auto insurance for someone who's had three accidents (all my fault) in the last year?

Allstate auto insurance can still give you great rates on car insurance even with accidents.

Do you need to report an accident to the police if you have hit a telegraph pole?

Yes, you will need to report your accident to the police. You should report all accidents to the police, so that you can file a claim with your insurance.

If there is a Single car accident and no police report is filed and we drove car home will the insurance company pay?

As long as you have coverage, yes the insurance company will pay. All you have to do is call them and report the loss.

Are you required to report a non-injury accident to your insurance company?

yes, as far as i know all insurance contracts contain a version of the following:, ''you must PROMPTLY report all accidents' a good idea for your own protection as well.... i have (unfortunately) seen many, 'non-injury, no damage' claims come back in a few months (when much evidence is lost), with lots of damage and injury..