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I am ambidextrious but my right hand lacks smooth transition while writing, so i would say definetly yes we always have a dominant side

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10y ago

Most ambidextrous people can write with either hand, though it's not totally necessary. If you can do many things equally well with either hand, you might be ambidextrous.

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Related questions

What is it called when you can use both hands?

you are ambidextrous when you can write with both of your hands

What do you call the person who can write with both the hands?

A person that can write with both hands is ambidextrous.

What do you call person who can write with both hands?

when somebody can right with both hands with equal strength then you call it ambidextrous and what a coincidence i am ambidextrous.

A person that is ambidextrous can?

write with both hands

What is person called who can write with his both hands?


What is the word for a person who can write perfectly with both hands?

AMBIDEXTROUS That is the gift of being "ambidextrous". it's how they were born if you learn to write with the left hand it good to but the right hand is better Or both handed person.

What is meaning of ambidextrous?

Someone who is "ambidextrous" is capable of using both hands with equal facility. Eg able to write (well) with either hand.

Is demitri martin ambidextrous?

Yes he is. If you watch his specials you can see him draw and write with both hands.

What do you call a person who can write with both hands at the same time?

Ambidextrous (I think that's how you spell it)

How do you be called who writes in right and left hand?

A person who can write with both the right and left hands are ambidextrous .

Does dr ambedkar write both hands?

Yes, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was ambidextrous, which means he could write with both his hands. This ability allowed him to write in two languages simultaneously during his studies.

What are people called who write with 2 hands?
