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From the moon the constellations would not be very different as seen from Earth, so a star atlas used on Earth would be ok to use on the moon.

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Q: Do you need a moon constellation map on the moon?
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Is the moon a constellation?

No. A constellation is an arrangement of stars. The moon is a natural satellite of Earth.

Would a moon constellation map be helpful on the moon?

Using a star map could potentially be useful as we used the stars to navigate in the times before advanced technology. Since the distance between the Earth and the moon is tiny compared to the distance between stars the constellations you see from the moon are exactly the same ones you see from Earth.

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Are the constellation important?

of course!!! you can use them as a map

What is a Zodiac constellation?

A Zodiac Constellation - or zodiacal constellation - is a constellation that is along the ecliptic, which is the narrow path of sky that the sun, moon and planets follow throughout the year.

Is Luna a constellation?

No it is the other name for the Moon

What is a zociac constellation?

A zodiacal constellation is a constellation that is along the ecliptic - a narrow path that the sun, moon, & planets travel on throughout the year.

What moon was changed into a constellation by Hera but was put in the sky by Zeus?

full moon

How much time does the moon lie in one constellation?

There are 12 constellations that the moon passes in front of. They are not all exactly the same size. On average, the moon would be about 2 days and 7 hours in front of each constellation.

Who was the first Canadian on the moon?

No Canadian ever went to the Moon. There have been no missions to the Moon since the Apollo progream ended. Therefore, only Americans have ever been to the Moon. There is a program, Constellation, which is being planned. The Constellation Program will send us back to the Moon and maybe to Mars.

Is there a constellation or planet named after pan or faunus?

No , however there is a Moon named after Pan. It is Saturn's innermost moon.

What was the name of NASA's moon program?

NASA's first moon program was called Apollo.The new moon program is called Constellation.