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im not sure but 7dust dose

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Q: Does 20 mule team borax kill fleas?
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Will 20 mule team borax kill mouse?

20 Mule Team Borax does not indicate on the package for use of getting rid of mosquitoes, although some people have had positive results using the product for getting rid of them.

Are borax and mule team borax the same thing?

20 Mule Team Borax is just a brand name of borax. They are the same thing.

What chemical is in 20 mule team borax?

According to the manufacturer's web site, 20 Mule Team Borax is composed of sodium tetraborate.

Where are borates found?

Borates are found in products that contain a chemical called borax. The most popular of these products is 20 Mule Team Borax. This product can be found in grocery stores. Borax can be used to kill destructive insects in the home.

Where do they sell mule team borax?

Ace Hardware, Amazon and Sears.

20 M t b?

20 Mule Team Borax

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Twenty mule team borax

Where can you buy 20 mule team borax in Columbus Ohio?

The only place that I have been able to find "20 Mule Team Borax" in Columbus, OH is at Target. Here is a direct link to help you out:

What can you add to your dogs food to ward off fleas?

Brewer's Yeast. But really, those products like Advantage that you put a couple drops of on the backs of their necks works wonderfully well in no time at all. Also, to get fleas out of carpet, sprinkle some borax, yes, like twenty mule team borax that you get in the laundry aisle of the grocery store, onto the carpet, sweep in, let sit for30 minutes or so and vacuum up. The borax is a dessicant and dries up the fleas and their eggs. I did this once and it cleared my whole house of fleas. Borax is safer than table salt.

Where in Canada can you find 20 mule team borax?

I think you can find it in a hardware store.

What television show was sponsored by 20 Mule Team Borax?

Death Valley Days

Who was the woman on the tv ad for Twenty Mule Team Borax for Death Valley Days?

"Rosemary DeCamp"