

Does Asia have more first world countries or third world?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Asia doesnt exist!

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Q: Does Asia have more first world countries or third world?
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Is Luxembourg a third world country?

No, Luxembourg is in the first world... Europe. The new world is the Americas & the 3rd world is the deprived countries which makeup Africa & Asia.

What other term is used for developing country?

Developing countries are also known as third world countries. These countries are less industrialized than developed countries. Many countries in Africa and southern Asia are third world countries.

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There are no official definitions for first, second, or third world countries. The terms originated during the Cold War, but today, "third world" is often used to describe undedeveloped or developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, of which Kenya is one, so it most closely fits the connotation of a "third world country."

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Some third world countries that receive aid are Madagascar in Africa and Guinea in Asia. Afghanistan, Yemen, and the Congo all receive some type of aid.

Is Israel a first world country?

It depends on how you define your terms. Most people use the term "First World Country" to refer to a country that has a modern economy and is developed (as opposed to developing). Israel is one of the few post-colonial countries that has become a developed country. South Korea is another. As a result, these places are called First World Countries. However, during the Cold War, the terms First World, Second World, and Third World applied to distinct parts of the globe. First World referred to Anglo-America and Western Europe, the NATO countries. Second World referred to the Soviet Union and its allies. The Third World referred to most of the countries of Latin America, Africa, and Asia, which served as the proxy war battlegrounds. According to this definition, Israel is a Third World Country since it lies in the Third World region.

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60 percent of the worlds hunger is from the Indian Subcontinent, and 40 percent is from Asia and Africa.

Is Asia a third world country?

Asia is a continent, and no. I mean some places in Asia maybe, but I'm not really sure. Asia is a continent and is made up of many country's, some of which are third world country's.

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south asia was the first region in asia colonized by western countries

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japan is the most developed country in asia

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Asia and Shawano.Thend.

East Asia is home to about?

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How many countries from Asia take part in world cup?

Four countries