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There is no evidence that God either hears or answers prayers. For this reason, the Deists of the Enlightenment period decided that God took no interest in his creation and makes no promises regarding life after death. For Deists, there was therefore no good reason to worship God.

In 2005, the John Templeton Foundation decided to establish whether God would respond to intercessory prayers. It conducted a carefully designed, double-blind trial of the effect of intercessory prayer on the outcome of surgery, to evaluate whether (1) receiving intercessory prayer or (2) being certain of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with uncomplicated recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. The finding was that intercessory prayer itself had no effect on complication-free recovery, but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was actually associated with a higher incidence of complications (probably because this certainty caused anxiety among some patients).

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āˆ™ 8y ago
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āˆ™ 13y ago

He hears them and answers, even if you don't like the answer.

Sometimes the answer is "yes." Sometimes the answer is "no." Sometimes the answer is "not yet."

No matter what, God's answer is the best for us, even if we may not see it that way at the time.

The most important thing for anyone, though, is having a relationship with God first, through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Until that is taken care of, nothing else really makes all that much difference, although He can choose to respond to an unbeliever's prayer anyhow.

AnswerThe Bible has a lot to say about this. One scripture that comes to mind is at Ps.65:2, where God is called "the hearer of prayer." Another is at Acts 10:34,35, where it tells us that "God is not partial," and that in "every nation" the one who wants to please him, is "acceptable to him." So yes he does hear prayers, no matter where we live, what race we are, whoever we are.

But the Bible also tells us what is necessary for God to listen to our prayers, and if he sees fit, act on them. Jesus showed how we should pray to his father when gave a model prayer at Matthew Ch 6. There he gave an outline, as it were, as what sort of things we should pray for.

First, he prayed that his father's name be known. The name of the father is Jehovah(Psalms 83:18 kj). He also demonstrated that other things that are proper to pray for are, that God's Kingdom would come, and that God's will for the Earth would be accomplished. We can also pray for forgiveness of our sins and we can pray that we not be overcome by the devil and his temptations. We can also pray that our needs such as food and clothing, or whatever our immediate need may be at that time, will be taken care of.

If we are undergoing a hard emotional time, we can pray that he will give us his spirit to help us through. We may even be under such emotional strain, that we may not even know what to ask for. Romans 8:26 tells us that God can even hear "groanings unuttered," so he can even answer our unspoken request, if need be. One of the most important things we can pray for is that he show us the truth as regards to him, his purpose, and what we can do to be pleasing to him.

At John 14:6, Jesus tells us that we must pray through him. 1 Timothy 2:5 calls Jesus "the mediator between God and men." So when we pray, we want to pray to the father, Jehovah, as Jesus did, and pray through Jesus. We do do this by using God's name Jehovah in our prayer and ending the prayer by saying that we are praying through Jesus.

1 John 5:14 tells us that whatever "we ask, according to his will, he hears us." So while we pray, we need to keep in mind God's will. Obviously, if we pray for a million dollars, or pray that someone we do not like will get sick, or some selfish wrong desire, God won't listen to or act on those prayers.

The Bible tells us that God is ready and willing to listen to us and help us, if we approach him with a humble attitude(Ps. 138:6). We are told at 1 Peter 3:12 that his eyes are upon the ones who are striving to do what is right, and that he listens to that person's supplication, but he is turning away from those doing bad, so we must try to do what is right. Philippians 4:6 tells us to let our petitions be made known to God, along with Thanksgiving, so we should also be careful not to forget to thank Jehovah for things he has given us, especially the sacrifice of his only son, Jesus.

We may have to pray about a matter more than once. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to "pray incessantly." This means we need to be persistant, as it were, to demonstrate our desire for what it is we are asking. So yes, Jehovah God does hear prayers, and if it is appropriate, he acts on them.

See Related LinksSee the Related Link for "Prayer" to the bottom for the answer. answerAll things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" (Matthew 21: 22).

"This is one of the cardinal doctrines of his religion. He is continually impressing upon the minds of his hearers the necessity and the efficacy of prayer. Referring to this doctrine, Greg says:

"This doctrine has in all ages been a stumbling block to the thoughtful. It is obviously irreconcilable with all that reason and revelation teach us of the divine nature; and the inconsistency has been felt by the ablest of the Scripture writers themselves. Various and desperate have been the expedients and suppositions resorted to, in order to reconcile the conception of an immutable, all-wise, all-foreseeing God, with that of a father who is turned from his course by the prayers of his creatures. But all such efforts are, and are felt to be, hopeless failures. They involve the assertion and negation of the same proposition in one breath. The problem remains still insoluble; and we must either be content to leave it so, or we must abandon one or other of the hostile premises." (Creed of Christendom, pp. 322, 323).

NeverOf course God has not promised to hear the prayers of those who do not believe in him. Surely they would not want to pray anyway or expect an answer from a deity who does not exist or whom they hate. Also he is not impressed with what the Bible calls 'vain repititon' which is simply repeating the same rote prayer over and over rather than from the heart. This really amounts to practical Atheism anyway.

Matthew 6 v 7 But when you pray use not vain repetitions like the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

Yes IndeedGod certainly does hear and answer prayer and I know this from many personal experiences too numerous to mention. It usually happens in unexpected ways, often at the last minute (but always absolutely and reliably on time) and always in a manner entirely fitting to the need.

No amount of psychological wishful thinking can explain this because it involves too many space/time variables. I am also aware of psychological trickery etc as a thinking person and it is not like that at all. I know my God.

Isaiah 65 v 24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear.

AnswerMatthew 6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

If God already knows what we need, then what's the use of prayers? Or does God trades His favors in return for prayers?

new answerWhen I was eighteen years old I set forth the intention to understand how prayer works. I knew that to ask and receive was valid. It took five years to find what I needed. It was explained in a way I could understand it in the book " The hidden power of your subconscious mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy of the university of India. Since it made sense to me, I was able to form a belief. I was able to prove this theory through my own experiences. It works much differently than what I got from growing up in a fundamentalist religion. It was many years later that I entered into an indepth study of these things and much more. The key is the question. Whatever it is, ask it.
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āˆ™ 14y ago

GOD hears your prayer through your heart, if you pray for something or someone but your heart wants the opposite of what you pray, then it would be a hypocrisy.

for example, you pray to GOD saying that you want to forgive the person that hurt you but your heart says otherwise, then your prayers are futile. GOD hears your prayers through your heart. However, if your prayers are not answered, do not let your faith be affected because it will be for your own good in the long term or because you simply have to learn to be patient.

GOD bless!! :)

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āˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, G-d hears our prayers... and always answers... sometimes "yes", and sometimes "no"... Despite our own desires, only G-d knows which response is right in the grand scheme...

Another perspective:The answer from Scripture is No. If the attitude of our heart isn't right, God will not hear our prayers. Some pertinent passages:

Psalm 66:18 - If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear.

Isaiah 59:1, 2 - Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.

Jeremiah 7:16 - Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, nor make intercession to Me; for I will not hear you.(Also Jer. 11:11, 14; 14:12)

John 9:31 - Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him.

[Quotes from NKJV]

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āˆ™ 14y ago

God will always answer your prayers, but the answer will not always be "yes". His answer will be either "yes", "no" or something like "in time, yes". God has a plan for everything, and will answer your prayers according to that plan. Just do not expect your prayers to always be answered immediately.

To show you He has answered, "yes", to your prayers, He will give you what you asked for. Jesus said, "Ask, and you shall recieve." This doesn't mean you'll get a million dollars if you ask for it, it just means that God will provide for your needs and upmost important desires. So trust Him, because He created everything, and has a plan for you. His will is beyond our knowledge, so let His will be done, and not your own.

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āˆ™ 15y ago

Jeremiah 33:3 says: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

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āˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, he knows what's in your heart and mind.

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āˆ™ 14y ago

nobody knows. God doesnt tell us.

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āˆ™ 12y ago

He has answered all mine.

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