

Does Shinto have a god of death?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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What dose Shinto mean?

Shinto is an ancient Japanese religion.

Who is Shinto god?

the budd

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Is Shinto like Buddhist?

Shinto and Buddhism interact well together because Shinto has no beliefs regarding vita ex mortis (life after death).

Shinto priests celebrate what god's birthday?

Shinto priests celebrate all of thir gods birthdays

What religion developed during Japan and prehistory and what was it and main source of inspiration?

Shinto, a nature god.

What are the writings of Shinto?

Shinto has no writtings! Followers of Shinto believe in Kami! Kami (there equivalent to a god) are spirits that take the form of such things as rain, wind, rivers and mountains!

Which religion believes in more than 1 god?

Shinto does.

What is the holy cites of Shinto?

There are no "holy cities" in Shinto. Each Shrine is considered to be the home of a God/dess. There are 1000's of Shrines in Japan.

What is the Japanese word meaning Shinto?

Shinto means "worsphip one god only" It's the native Japanese's Religion.

Japanese leader that was worshipped as a god?

The Japanese leader that was worshipped as a god was known as Emperor Kimmei. He was worshipped as the god of Shinto.

What is one important god of shintoism?

Amaterasu is the the sun goddess in the Shinto pantheon.