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Q: Does a 17-year-old have to spend weekends with their father during college because of custody?
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The agreement between 2 parents is custody to mother but weekends for father if the mother dies who would get custody?

the father gets the custody of the child if the mother dies

Sentence with word visitation?

During the divorce proceedings, the wife got custody of the children but the husband still has visitation rights on weekends.

If a father has custody on weekends only and takes his four year old and seven year old into a dance club bar restaurant can he be violating the custody orders and does that make him and unfit father?

Only if specified in the order.

My girlfriend has sole custody of her son and his dad gets him every other weekend but she wants to swap weekends Can she still do that even though he is not willing to compromise with her?

only with court approval

I am 17 a high school graduate and attending college. I'm having my baby and my parents want to take custody. Can they legally do that if I can support myself and have no criminal records etc?

I doubt they can TAKE custody. You might want to consider sharing custody until you are out of college and on your feet. Don't worry about your parents. They got you this far, didn't they?

You signed joint custody papers with your ex and they say there is no child support but he doesnt get her for equal time as you He gets her on weekends Is there any way you can still get child support?

You may be able to petition the court to modify your custody order which includes a request for child support going forward.

What is freeman order in family law?

The Axel Freeman order is a custody and visitation schedule and is used when a child is young and the non custodial parent is busy with work and not involved in the day to day care. An example would be alternating custody on weekends and one night a week with the non custodial parent.

You have custody of your son your ex is trying to take away your custody because you live with your fiance is it illegal in the State of Arkansas to live with someone and retain custody?

not if you are the biological parent

How do you get custody of your child back that you gave up legal custody to because you were underage but now have physical custody of?

If you gave up custody, you would need to file a petition with the court to modify custody. However, you must show that a change in custody would be in the best interest of the child as well as other factors.

Can a father get custody back if he gave up on custody previously?

No Because when you give up custody you cant get it back Trust me my moms a lawyer and she gone through a custody battle before So i know what im talkin about

What is Joint legal Custody and partial Physical Custody?

Joint legal custody indicates that both parents have the right to make joint decisions on the raising of a child (education, health care, etc.). If there are conflicts in such decisions then it is only applicable if such disagreements are reasonable in the eyes of the court. If they are deemed "unreasonable" then the parent with primary physical custody or the court makes such determinations. Partial physical custody, indicates that the child spends a portion of his or her time (specified or otherwise) with the parent (weekends, holidays, summer vacation, etc.) but resides the majority of time with the primary custodial parent.

If you have primary custidy of your child and the mother gets her on weekends who gets the child for holidays?

There is no automatic answer. I presume you are concerned about when holidays fall on weekends, and your ex is concerned that she only gets holidays when they do fall on weekends (so, never Thanksgiving).i suggest that you find and read the document that gave you primary custody, such as a court order, divorce decree or custody agreement. If the document does not clarify holiday rights, the two of you should agree informally, perhaps a year at a time. If you cannot agree, hire a divorce mediator. If you still can't agree, hire attorneys and go back to court.It is, obviously, cheaper and less disruptive to the family relationships if you can agree.