

Does a nuclear explosion mushroom revolve?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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What do you mean by "revolve"?

All explosions, nuclear or conventional, produce a "mushroom cloud" its just that the yield of a nuclear explosion is so much higher that makes the cloud bigger, more obvious, and more persistent.

The mushroom cloud is formed by convection currents from the heat of the fireball: the stem is created by the updraft of the fireball rising through the cool atmosphere, the cap is a toroidal convection cell with the fireball at the center - air is drawn in at the bottom, heated by the fireball, rises above the fireball and on encountering cool air again cools and spreads forming the top of the cap, eventually it spreads enough that there is no more hot air rising under it to hold it up and it falls forming the sides of the cap, usually some of this falling air gets sucked back in and reheated by the fireball as it gets to the bottom of the cap.

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Gravity if forming the clouds from the atomic bomb.

Why does mushroom cloud form in after a nuclear explosion?

For the same reason they form following any explosion: heated air from explosion is lighter than surrounding air, making it buoyant and it therefor rises. The cloud is visible because of entrained debris, vaporized metal, smoke from fires, etc. produced by the explosion (nuclear or not). Nuclear mushroom clouds are simply more spectacular because more energy was released, making them hotter.

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Any type of nuclear explosion will have this effect.

What produces a mushroom cloud?

A mushroom cloud is the product of a very large explosion, such as from the detonation of a nuclear weapon. The cloud itself is formed by the rapidly rising ball of hot gasses.

Does a nuclear explosion mushroom cloud revolve?

What do you mean by "revolve"?All explosions, nuclear or conventional, produce a "mushroom cloud" its just that the yield of a nuclear explosion is so much higher that makes the cloud bigger, more obvious, and more persistent.The mushroom cloud is formed by convection currents from the heat of the fireball: the stem is created by the updraft of the fireball rising through the cool atmosphere, the cap is a toroidal convection cell with the fireball at the center - air is drawn in at the bottom, heated by the fireball, rises above the fireball and on encountering cool air again cools and spreads forming the top of the cap, eventually it spreads enough that there is no more hot air rising under it to hold it up and it falls forming the sides of the cap, usually some of this falling air gets sucked back in and reheated by the fireball as it gets to the bottom of the cap.

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nuclear explosion?

What type of explosion causes a mushroom cloud?

Any explosion exposed or vented to the atmosphere. The bigger the explosion the bigger and more well formed the mushroom cloud.

What was the mushroom cloud?

a phenomenon produced by every explosion (not just nuclear) when air heated by the fireball rises rapidly, sometimes lifting dirt, etc.

Why do nuclear bombs form mushroom clouds in physical terms?

The force of the explosion pushes the air out from around it, creating a pocket of low air pressure. As the smoke and debris cloud begins rising, fresh air flows in from outside the area of explosion, forcing the cloud higher and forming the shape of a mushroom. This can happen with any sufficiently powerful explosion, but it's most well known and most well associated with nuclear explosions.

Radioactive particles stirred up after a nuclear explosion?

fallout, a mixture of debris picked up by the updraft in the mushroom cloud and condensed vaporized bomb materials.

What happened some years ago in Russia from nuclear explosion?

When and what explosion? One of the nuclear test shots. If so which?Remember Chernobyl was not a nuclear explosion, it was a steam explosion and graphite fire.

Where did the Japanese nuclear explosion occur?

The only nuclear explosions in Japan were the two in WW2, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.However I believe you meant the Japanese nuclear reactorexplosion, which was not a nuclear explosion it was either a steam explosion and/or a hydrogen/oxygen chemical explosion. That occurred at Fukushima.