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Every state has different laws about this type of situation. In most states if the father does not pay any child support at all and has had no communication with the child for over 6 months, it is considered child abandonment and their rights can be taken away from them.

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14y ago

If the father gave up all parental rights - then he would not have to pay child support. Plus, if the mother is out of the country and is an illegal immigrant - she would not be a part of the child support system. She would need to be in this country. But, the main things is - if the father "legally" (signed papers) to give up his parental rights, then he is not liable for child support.

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12y ago

Child support and visitations are separate issues. A custodial parent has no authority to deny court ordered visitations if the non-custodial parent is not paying their child support. The custodial parent must take the issue of child support arrears back to court by filing a motion for contempt and seeking the assistance of the state child support enforcement agency.

Remember that an unmarried father must establish his paternity in court in order to establish his parental rights and obtain a court ordered visitation schedule. At that time the mother can request a child support order.

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15y ago

ill answer this with another question, should a parent loose rights that doesn't pay support in the first place.

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Q: If illegal immigrant mother leaves country and father gives up all rights does he still have to pay child support?
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i doubt it. as she is illegal, there's no record of her being in the country. thus, she doesn't exist in the country and she cant go to court without someone else papers or a fake identification. Actually, child support does not request evidence of being here legally to open a case. They get 15% in federal matching funds on all child support paid. In this economy, they are not going to pass up every possible case to open.

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It varies.

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The illegal immigrant can take his United States citizen son to Mexico; however, it is highly likely that the illegal father will be detained at customs due to his lack of citizenship.

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No, marrying a US citizen or a permanent resident does not grant the illegal immigrant legal status regardless of whether there is a child involved or not.

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We would like to help you with the best answer we can give, but we do need more information. Is the father an illegal immigrant and does is he in contact with the child? Thank you

Can an illegal immigrant sign a child's birth certificate?

Yes, they probably wouldn't know that your illegal.

Can an illegal immigrant get child support from a U.S. citizen?

Yes if the citizen is the biological father of the minor child. The status of the foreign national person is not relevant when the issue is child support. However, the undocumented immigrant will be required to report their status to USCIS and follow the procedures that are required by U.S. immigration laws. A person who is within the jurisdiction of the U.S. is, regardless of the situation may be subject to deportation and/or imprisonment.

Can an illegal immigrant mother receive child support if she leaves country and father gives up all rights?

If the father Legally gave up his parental rights - (signed legal papers), then he is no longer legally responsible to pay child support for the child. Did he give up parental rights so you could remove the child from the country? A family member of mine had to have her baby's father sign away his parental rights so he would not have to pay child support when he entered the military. So - once parental rights are signed away Legally, the father has NO obligation to pay child support. You cannot have it both ways - you cannot have him sign away his parental rights, yet still expect him to pay child support.

If an illegal immigrant mother is deported what happens to her citizen child if his father is a us citizen and they were unwed?

The CitiZen Chil will be adopted by Federal / State

If an illegal immigrant female wants to get married so she gets pregnant and accuses you of being the father what rights do you have concerning the child if it is yours?

You cannot force the father to marry you just because he got you pregnant. You can however have the court order him to take a paternity test to prove he is the father for child support issues. Good Luck!

Your childrens father is an illegal immigratCan you still collect child support from him?

In theory, yes. In practice, it's going to be very difficult, because illegal immigrants often work for cash and they can leave the country at any time.