

Does a red blood cell have Hemoglobin?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Does a red blood cell have Hemoglobin?
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What blood cell collects hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is present in red blood cells.

What is the red pigment in red blood cell?


What is the blood cell containing hemoglobin?

Red blood cells (also called erythrocytes)

What kind of cell contains hemoglobin?

red blood cell (:

Where will you find hemoglobin?

it can be found in the red blood cell

What the chemical in the red blood cell?

This chemical is hemoglobin.

What component of a red blood cells enables it to carry oxygen?

The hemoglobin in the red blood cell allows it to carry oxygen.

What cell described as the large hemoglobin crystal is?

Red blood cell

What system does hemoglobin belong to?

The circulation system in the body contains hemoglobin, more specifically the blood.

What part of a red cell gives it the red color?

That is called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contains iron, and when iron oxidizes (rusts), it turns orange.

What is hemoglobin's function in a red blood cell?

Hemoglobin binds with oxygen so that the red blood cells can carry oxygen throughout the body.

What part of the blood cell carries oxygen?
