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Q: Does a tiger's food cost a lot?
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How much does food cost at Canada's wonderland?

A lot

How do tigers produce there food?

Tigers don't produce their food they hunt for food.

How do tigers get there food?

Tigers get their food by hunting many animals.

Do tigers live in the forest or the rainforest?

Tigers live in areas where there is a lot of cover and plenty of prey (food). Their habitat are in mountain ranges and forest. For the Bengal Tigers, they are found mostly in the Himalayas and its surrounding forest. For the Sumatran Tigers, they can be found in the jungles (forest) in the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia, South China Tigers can be found in the mountain ranges and forest of South China. To answer your question, yes they do live in the forest or jungles where there are a lot of covers and plenty of food, not rainforests.

How much do food banks cost?

Enough to feed a lot of humans.

When do white tigers hunt for food?

White tigers hunt for food at night.

What is the government doing to stop tigers from being endangered?

they catch as much tigers boy and girl as they can and they wait until the tigers mate and when they have a lot of tigers about 600 and they do that over and over again and soon there will be a LOT of tigers

What do tigers compete with for food?

Tigers compete with bears, other tigers, and man.

How does a tigers get it food?

Tigers are predators: they hunt other animals for food. Tigers are carnivores who hunt their prey, typically killing it by biting its neck.

When were the tigers extinct?

you never know when tigers are going to be extinct because we still have a lot of tigers left.

Are tigers and sheep compatible?

Sheep are a food source for tigers ie tigers will eat sheep

Are tigers consumers?

No, tigers are consumers. They eat food by consuming other organisms. A producer makes its own food, like a plant does.