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I assume you mean do acai berries work for weight loss because this is what the hype is about. I would say that taking acai while trying to lose weight is not a bad idea because it is a powerful antioxidant and it is natural. That being said it is totally safe and even beneficial to your health. However, acai by itself will not make you lose a significant amount of weight. You will need to exercise and diet if you really want to lose weight.

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It is very good for you. It will help as part of your weight loss. However staying fit and eating good foods is whats really going to help you lose weight.

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Q: Does the Acai Berry diet really work?
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Acai berry is a scam. Don't buy it. It doesn't work. Trust me, my friend bought it and she was seriously disappointed. And Oprah never even reccommended it....the company lies Acai is fruit.. can you eat an apple and take your meds? What is in whatever you have that would make you think you could not..

Where can you find 100 percent authentic Acai Berry weight loss supplement?

There is no scientific evidence to support any claims that acai berry does anything like lower weight. Don't waste your money. If you want to lose weight, up your B vitamins, eat right, and exercise. You don't lose calories unless you work them off.

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The mucusless diet really does work. It is a diet that doesn't have mucus in the food that you eat. It is a very helpful diet if you really want to lose weight.

Does adina pomegranate acai contain caffeine?

No. The reasons that acai is used as energy booster (e.g. by Brazilian athletes) is that Acai drink is mix of essential amino acids and valueable minerals that are vital for recovery after physical activity and that the Acai drink berry lowers stress levels (this is another effect of the omega fatty acids).

What is Acai Berry Diet?

Some hokey marketing campaign designed to sell you a completely untested product. Don't get me wrong, Acai is a great fruit with a ton of antioxidants, but the idea that it'll magically cause you to lose weight is a bunch of bogus. try it! you can get a month's worth for 4 dallars and 95 cents! the best kind is Acai Pure. im going to try it. i believe that it will work because it was on OPrah and Racheal Ray and there are people who tell their stories about how it worked for them. Goodluck! (another thing you can try is the Scarsdale Mediacal Diet-look it up on Google-you lose a pound or more a day and it's easy as pie!)

How does a acai berry work?

Having known as rich in amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients, it then facilitates in the cleansing of our bodies.Also, here are the other health benefits of acai berry to our body:• It controls the appetite naturally.• It helps to detoxify the colon and the bowel area.• It controls blood pressure and cholesterol levels.• It reduces the waist line.• It enhances your energy quotient.• It keeps your digestion system in perfect shape.• It prevents you from having colon & stomach cancer.• It keeps you mentally alert and physically more active.• It works as a true natural anti aging diet supplement.

Will squats really work if you are on a diet and don't really eat junk?

That will depend on what diet you have and what your goals are.

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Are there diet tips that really work?

Weight Watchers is one of the best diet programs. If one attends the meetings, one will lose weight, get support and lots of diet tips that really work.

Does the maqui berry diet really work?

Incorporating maqui berries into your diet can serve as a great aid in any weight loss plan. The berries contain a high level of antioxidants (the highest of any berry) which help cleanse the body of toxins. The berries also help your immune system, slow down aging, and provide energy which can also help your weight loss.

Does super acai 1200 and the super cleanse work?

not at all.