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Abscesses of the teeth occur because the tooth has become non vital, ie it has died from either a traumatic accident or decay or a leaky filling with decay underneath. This causes dead material in the tooth to leak out throught the apical foramen (the point of the tooth that sits in the bone and is where the blood vessels and nerves of the pulp enter and leave the tooth). This causes inflammation within the boney socket that holds the tooth and leads to a collection of pus. This pus collects in the socket and causes formation of an abscess. If the infected material is not removed, it has to spread somewhere so it moves along the easiest path it can find. In some cases it moves along the tissue layers of the face amd into the space below the chin and jaw. This is known as cellulitis. When the infection spreads into the floor of the mouth compromising the airway and this can lead to trouble breathing and is a serious life threatening risk. As for Back pain I dont know but you need to get this checked out ASAP.

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Q: Does an abscessed tooth affect your breathing at all or cause back pains of any kind?
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