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Yes, it means you're a man that is incapable of producing the regular amounts of sperm or any sperm at all.

For a woman, it is called Infertile and means that there is a slim to none chance that you'd be able to reproduce.

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Q: Does being sterile mean you cannot have a baby?
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Does being sterile mean that you cant get it up?

No, that's being impotent. Sterile means not being able to reproduce; that is, a sterile man cannot father a child.

Every once in a while a female cat will be born sterile this means that the cat cannot have kittens does this mean that the cat is not alive since it cannot reproduce?

No. Being sterile does not mean the cat is dead because it is only a disorder.

Does sterile mean clean?

Not exactly. Sterile refers to being free from living organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, that could cause infection or disease. Cleanliness, on the other hand, usually refers to the absence of dirt or grime. While something that is sterile is usually clean, something can be clean without necessarily being sterile.

Is breastmilk sterile and what does that mean?

Breastmilk is not sterile, as it can contain some bacteria and other microorganisms. When we say a substance is sterile, it means that it is free from any living microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Breastmilk contains beneficial microorganisms that help support the baby's developing immune system.

What is the term sterile?

The definition of the word sterile is something that is free from living germs or bacteria. It can also be used to mean a living thing that cannot reproduce. Sterile is sometimes used as a description for something that is boring and uninteresting too.

Can a tube baby be removed and put in the uterus?

If you mean a tubal pregnancy, unfortunately it cannot. If you mean a "test tube" baby, yes it can.

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The problem with common names is that we cannot be sure which shrub you specifically refer to but I would guess you mean Viburnum opulus Sterile. It is not evergreen.

What does it mean by being pregnant?

it means you have a baby in your stomach !!!!

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No, being a genius does not mean you can do stuff like that.

What does it mean when food is sterile?

Cleanliness does not necessarily have anything to do with sterility. Sterile means that the food does not contain viable organisms. An items could be sterile, but not clean.

When twin male calf are born is one or both sterile?

Fertility or sterility is not determined by birth circumstances. That is, just because an animal is born a twin, doesn't mean it will be sterile, or fertile. Being a twin has nothing to do with it.Another opinion:When twin bull calves are born neither are sterile, they're both fertile. The issue comes when the twin bull is born with a twin heifer, where there's a chance that she may be a freemartin and have a 90% chance of being sterile.

What do you mean by the word sterile?

To be sterile means to be unable to conceive children. It also means to be germ free.