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No! Butter should never be used on a burn since it will hold in the thermal energy, which is just the fun textbook way of saying it holds in the heat.

1st Line treatment is cool... not cold... water. Once you have done that you will need to apply an aloe or silver sulfadiazine cream for the next 48 - 72 hours.

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Q: Does butter help cool burns
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Can butter cool a burn?

No, butter is non sterile and will likely lead to infection, burns should be cooled with cold water and covered with cellophane to keep it clean

Do's and don'ts of first aid in case of burns?

do: cool water and a dressing donts: butter, ice, poping blisters

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jontez is a cool dude with friends that help and support him he also like butter

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How did the early pioneers treat hand burns?

Early pioneers often treated hand burns by applying remedies such as aloe vera, honey, or even butter to soothe the burn and promote healing. They also used cool water or mud to cool the burn and provide relief. Additionally, bandaging the burn loosely with clean cloth or soft leaves was a common practice to protect the injured skin.

What happen if peanut butter is lighted with fire?

the peanut butter gets all mushy and it burns.

How do you make burns cool quicker?

run them under cool water

How cool is peanut butter?

peanut butter is the coolest thing in the world

What first aid remedy do you use for burns?

clean it and cool it. (with cool, not cold, water).

Primitive man used butter for what?

Primitive man used butter as we do today, to eat and to cook with. Sometimes it was used as a dressing for burns or abrasions.

What is peanut-butter-pawspiczocom? is a really cool website that you should visit right now....

Can butter on a sandwich go bad in a locker?

Yes, butter will go rancid (bad) if not kept in a cool place such as a fridge.