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Cooking to the correct temperature for the correct amount of time will kill the bacteria present in an improperly defrosted turkey. The turkey must be cooked to a temperature of at least 165 degrees to kill the bacteria present in the Turkey. Bacteria can be present on the surface of the meat, in the meat itself and can be injected into the meat if the Turkey is injected or if the meat is cut. The tube of the syringe used to inject the brine/flavor mix will pick up bacteria on the surface and a knife edge can (and likely will) carry the bacteria into the meat. Note that bacteria are generally all killed once the temperature exceeds 141 degrees for at least one minute. When the Turkey is cooked the temperature varies from one part of the Turkey to another. That is why the USDA and virtually all respected sites recommend thorough cooking. HOWEVER, some strains of bacterial produce Toxins that can cause illness. These Toxins in some cases are "heat stable" and can still make you very sick. A number of commentators have also noted that human beings have existed for a much longer time than refrigeration and we have survived. Nobody however suggests that it is a good idea to practice unsafe food handling and cooking procedures. Improperly thawed turkey is just that. Improperly thawed.

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Q: Does cooking kill the bacteria from an improperly defrosted turkey?
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When does defrosted turkey expire?

Defrosted turkey is good for about one or two days after the sell by date on the package. You should cook turkey within a couple of days of it being defrosted.

Can you refreeze a defrosted uncooked turkey breast?

You cannot refreeze an uncooked turkey breast once it is defrosted. You can freeze the turkey once it is cooked for 2-6 months.

How long will a defrosted turkey last in the refrigerator?

A 2 kg turkey takes about 4 days to defrost. On average, you can defrost a 4lb turkey in a day.

Is cooking a turkey a chemical or physical change?

Both. Chemical change is the grems and bacteria on the raw turkey dissolving. The physical change obviously when the turkey is cooked and no longer raw.

Is it safe to bake a raw turkey that was frozen after it was defrosted?

yes of course!

Can a turkey thawed in water be refrozen?

Not recommended, but yes. You have multiplied the bacteria by thawing it; but proper cooking will kill the bacteria. Better to refrigerate for up to even 5 days, if necessary, before cooking, as refreezing is likely to affect the texture.

How long to cook a 3.8kg turkey?

if its a butterball stuff its 4 1/4 at 325 degrees... not stuffed its 3 3/4

Can safety of defrosted ground turkey be determined by smell?

No. Salmonella, for one, has no odor.

What happens if you refreez a turkey?

you get food poisoning. never refreeze defrosted meat.

How long can a turkey be defrosted before it is roasted?

A frozen 20 pound turkey will take about three days to thaw in the fridge.

Can you get sick from eating bad turkey bacon?

Yes, any improperly handled food can cause food poisoning if it is contaminated by bacteria or other food poisoning microbes.When in doubt, throw it out!

What is the safest way to defrost a 5kg turkey for use of the following day?

A 5 kg turkey can safely be defrosted in the refrigerator overnight. The turkey can be cooked in the oven for 3 hours.