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I feel that when I drink beer while I am a bit sick I do produce more phlegm

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Q: Does sugary drink increase phlegm
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Can you drink milk or soymilk with strep?

Well, you can drink milk or soy milk with Strep throat. However, any forms of milk products WILL increase phlegm (mucous) in the throat. Forms of milk make mucous thick, hard to cough up or swallow, and will increase throat irritation and coughing. Increased coughing WILL irritate the throat.So it is best NOT to drink or eat milk or milk products. Stick to broths, soups, tea, warm water which will thin mucous.

How much milk will produce phlegm?

Milk does not produce phlegm at all unless you are allergic to it. It's an old wive's tale. Fat can thicken phlegm, so if you drink whole milk you may see an increase in thickness, but it does not produce it. But that would be the case for any high-fat food you consume, not just milk. There is a good article in the New York Times about this myth:

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Does orange juice make phlegm?

Orange juice can cause the mucus to thicken in your body and can cause you to produce more phlegm. Many people still drink it however when they have a cold because it contains Vitamin C.

Why cant you drink soda with braces?

high sugary beverages can cause decay in tooth

Can sprite make you die if you drink it everyday?

The lifestyle of drinking sugary beverages will kill you.

What do you drink while in the desert?

Water, and lots of it, is the preferred drink while in the desert. Alcohol and sugary soft drinks can lead to dehydration.

How do you pronounce phlegm?


How do you prevent or reduce excessive phlegm?

I have done some research as I have similar problems of excessive phlegm production (sinuses and lungs). Here are some things I've come across so far: - drink loads of water - avoid: dairy, soya, wheat, citrus juices, and sugary foods - drinking apple cider vinegar is known to work - nasal salt water washings - sniff deeply into nose - ginger, garlic and horseradish all lessen mucus production - drink fish oil supplements, and vitamin C with zinc. - aerobic exercise - acupuncture - fasting! - try homeopathy