

Does ecstasy cause cancer

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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no it cant.

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Q: Does ecstasy cause cancer
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Can you get cancer by taking ecstasy?

There are carcinogenic ingredients used in the making of Ecstasy, though even with consistent use, it would likely take decades to develop cancer from it.

How does ecstasy affect peoples physical health?

it makes your mom have cancer

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Can Ecstasy cause anal leakage?

No, you're thinking of olestra.

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Does Ecstasy cause dehydration?

Dehydration is a common occurrence with the drug

Does ecstasy cause your brain to bleed?

No, ecstasy does not cause brain damage or brain bleeding in any way shape or form. Prolonged usage results in lower seratonin and dopamine levels in the brain which can cause a depressed feeling.

Does powerade cause cancer?

No, Powerade does not cause cancer.

Can ecstasy affect your appearance?

Yes. Lots of ecstasy is cut with stimulants like meth nowadays, but the original ecstasy (MDMA) can also cause changes in appearance. If used often, it can cause considerable weight loss, and acne/sores on the face. It can also mess with emotions and cause ups and downs during and after the drug is taken.

Can ecstasy cause memory impair?

There is evidence that ecstasy use, especially chronic use, can impair user's ability to recall and memorize information.

Why does ecstasy cause chest pain?

because most ecstasy is methamphetamine based. which speeds up the heart rate and dialates blood vessels.