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above muscle; try poking your tummy while doing situps. the soft bit is fat, and underneath that, you will feel the hard muscle~. But if you have A LOT of fat, some of them will be deposited around your internal organs

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You have both intramuscular fat cells and fat cells that occur outside the muscle tissue. Fat can and does form where ever there are fat cells present. So fat can form both above and under muscle tissue.

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Q: Does fat sit under the muscle or above the muscle?
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Do humans have bones in there butt cheeks?

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I need help losing some belly fat and replacing it with muscle What are some exercises to help me with that problem?

Sit up is an example of exercise that you can do in order to lose some belly fat and replace it with muscle.

How do you remove fats from stamach what exercise we should do?

you should do sit ups and stuff like that this will turn the fat into muscle.

How do you turn belly fat into muscle?

You can't, fat do not turn into muscle; they are two different things If you want a visible abs, you have to lose the fat (doing cardio, eat less fatty food), and build more muscle by doing weight resistance (and eat more protein)

Will sit-ups make your butt bigger or smaller?

neither. it strengthens the muscles in your butt. which could mean a smaller butt for fatter people since building muscle lowers fat cells' sizes, and could mean a bigger butt for skinner body types because there is no fat, and the muscle is building.

Are you fat you weigh 123 pounds you are 13 you have no muscle you are 5 feet 0 inches and your belly is 33 inches When you sit you have 6 fat rolls?

nobody cares.

Are sit ups good for losing weight?

No, sit ups are more for building abs on skinnier people, it just builds muscle under fat which in the end just makes your stomach look bigger, i would recommend doing burpees, mountain climbers, and squats. If you don't know what these are, google them

What is the large muscle you sit on?

The gluteal muscle.

How many sit ups should a 260 pound person do a day to lose weight?

Sit ups are not going to reduce your weight. You need a full exercise routine tightly coupled with a healthy diet. Get an examination by a doctor, and get yourself to a gym where they can work with you in establishing a plan. Sit ups do burn calories though...they just tone the muscle underneath the fat and in order to see the toned muscle you have to burn the fat on top.

How can you lose weight from your stomach while keeping your bust?

Do lots of sit-ups and crunches Okay no. All that will do is build up your layer of muscle. Your stomach goes... Muscle, fat, and then skin so by doing crunches and sit ups all it does is make your abs bigger. Not burn fat. By doing this u will ultimatly end up looking bigger than before.

Does doing sit ups before burning stomach fat build muscle around the fat making it a lot more difficult to burn later?

When building muscle, you are just making the muscle fibers stronger and bigger, they arnt multiplying. The amount of muscle mass you have does not matter how difficult it is to burn fat. Fat is fat. Muscle is muscle. The more fat you have, the longer it will take to burn that off. Another thing, fat is generally burned off all around the body, not just in a concentrated area such as the stomach. If you are trying to burn off stomach fat, intense running will work better than doing situps. And if you are trying to get your abs stronger/harder, do situps using a weight to decroease the amount of time it will take

How many sit ups do you have o do to loose 10 pounds?

Sit ups are an anaerobic exercise, which means that this type of exercise does not help in losing weight. Anaerobic exercises are used to build muscle and can actually cause an increase in weight because muscle weighs more than fat.