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Yes, your immune system is triggered to fight the cold and the immune system starts that process with an immune response. It gets busy making your body create a hostile environment for the virus (with fever and other metabolic changes) as well as producing antibodies to disable the cold virus particles.

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11y ago

Its a matter of what the cough syrup contains, some contain opiates, taken as prescribed for a short period is unlikely to do much harm, however some people do abuse cough syrup and there is increasing evidence that long term use of opiates suppress the immune system

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Q: Does having a cold affect your immune system?
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If you are infected with the herpes virus, then yes you can.

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If your immune system has been lowered or stressed out by not having the right nutrients then you coul get a cold sore.

How do cold sores affect the integumantary system?

Cold sores don't affect your health. They can be embarassing or case some emotional stress but that is about it. It's your heath that can affect the cold sore virus. When you're immune system is lowered by stress or illness or if you have been out side in very hot or very cold temperatures for long periods of time, then you could get a cold sore.

What is a cold caused by?

The immune system weakening.

Which body system helps prevent you from getting a cold?

The immune system.

What is the problem with having a cold and getting wisdom teeth out?

Your immune system won't be strong enough to fight off an infection of your bleeding toothless gum.

Does cold medication lower your immune system?

yes it dose

Why does your body get sick when you are cold?

because your immune system is weakened.

What if a cold sore happens once?

A cold sore is a herpes infection For some people, their immune system suppresses the virus; for others they have outbreaks. Each persons immune system is different.

Can too much protein cause cold sores?

NO, protein can help strengthen the immune system. When the immune system is healthy then you may not get as many cold sores. Common triggers for cold sores are, being out in very hot or cold weather for long periods of time, prolonged sun exposure and lowered immune system due to illness or stress.