

Best Answer

Does iron stain teeth? in a word Yes. This staining is most likely a harmless side effect, but the prescriber should have warned you of this side effect. Also the prescriber most likely thought that the benifit of iron far out wieghed the multiple risks associated with iron-deficiency anemia. Iron is essential in neural development of toddlers and an essential part of the formation of red blood cells, the cells that carry oxygen to all the parts of your body.

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Q: Does iron stain teeth gray
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Why does water not stain teeth?

Because it has flouride in it. That makes teeth stronger.

Does dark soda stain teeth?

Yes, just like coffee and tea, cola and other "dark sodas" can stain your teeth. Carmel coloring and sugar rots teeth too.

Does water stain white teeth?

no, but your stupidity might. Actually, that was not an appropriate answe up there so no because water has no ingredients that can stain your teeth. actually some water can stain teeth my mom and both of my aunts grew up drinking well water and it stained their teeth a brownish yellow.

What chemical caues you to get stain teeth?

Teeth stain can be caused by a lot of things. Usually the biggest causes are tobacco, tea, coffee, red wine, colas, and some stain can be caused by iron deposits in water. Usually these are removable with a basic dental cleaning. If the stain is intrinsic (meaning cannot be removed), then there was probably a factor in your childhood that caused the stain while the teeth were forming. Such factors are high fevers and Tetracycline (antibiotic). Environmental factors "may" cause tooth stain such as if you work around certain chemicals. You may want to bring this up to your dentist to find the cause if you believe it is chemical related and you do not use any of the products noted above.

Does caffeine stain?

Caffeine in soda does not stain your teeth. In coffee I'm not so sure. There maybe a slight stain from soda or coffee.