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Q: Does it mean anything if he stalks you?
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im guessing you mean stalks, and the answer is no

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Lion, cheetah, rhino... JKJKJKJK ^^ Usually anything that purrs. Or stalks...

Can horses eat green corn stalks?

Horses can eat green corn stalks if you want to feed them the stalks. It will not hurt a horse to eat green corn stalks. Answer 2: Technically, yes a horse can eat green corn stalks, that doesn't mean they should though. Horses cannot proccess the stalks enough to get much nutrition out of them. The corn stalks can also harbor fungus and bacteria that could cause problems for the horse.

What is Collective noun of stalks?

There is no specific collective noun for stalks, in which cas a noun suitable for the situation is used, such as a bundle of stalks, a sheaf of stalks, a shock of stalks, etc.

What is the collective noun of stalks?

There is no specific collective noun for stalks, in which cas a noun suitable for the situation is used, such as a bundle of stalks, a sheaf of stalks, a shock of stalks, etc.

What is collective noun for stalks?

I think its a 'sith' of stalks. Or if its not, it should be. I don't trust those stalks...

What animals have eyes on stalks?

crabs have eyes on stalks :)

What does barley-sheaves mean?

Barley sheaves are bundles of stalks of barley tied tightly in the middle.

What is a bundle of stalks?

A bundle of stalks is also known as a sheaf.

How do you separate grains and stalks?

we can separate grains from stalks by threshing

What is the collective noun for stalks?

The collective noun is a sheaf of stalks.

Fall plant with tall stalks?

fall plant with tall stalks