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Each person is different. The developing egg could still be in the tubes to the ovaries when your period hits, which means that you still have a chance to become pregnant. It is better to take extra precautions, especially if you are not prepared for it.

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Q: Does it mean your not pregnant if you think you are but you happen to get your period 4 days earlier then expected?
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Can a woman get pregnant 13 days before her expected period?

Usually no, but u never know. It can happen. It depends on when u ovulate.

It came 3 day earlier than than the expected date of my period. The cramps are light and it is also lighter than the period i would normally have ...Implantation bleeding or just an early period?

You can NOT go by your period schedule to see if you're pregnant. You're pregnant if you take a pregnancy test and come up positive. It is possible to be late and not be pregnant. It is possible to be late and be pregnant. It is possible to not have a period at all and not be pregnant. It is possible to not have a period at all and be pregnant. It is possible to have a period on time and be pregnant. See why your question is impossible to answer now?? Go to the drug store.

What will happen if you dont get your period?

you could be pregnant

When do you notice when your pregnant?

Your first clue... would be the absence of your normal (expected) period.

If your breasts are sore 3 weeks before your period can you be pregnant?

if you have regular period, then yes, you might be pregnant, because normally PMS usually begins 1 week earlier than period. however if you have irregular period, or there are other factors ( such as having lots of stress, using birth cntrol pills or some medicine, seasonal/weather change, etc) might effect your period to happen earlier than you expect. wait until missing your period for pregnancy test.

If you have what seems to be a light period and it started 5 days earlier than expected AND you are having pregnancy symptoms ie nausea tiredness and frequent potty breaks why or is this possible?

You could be pregnant if you've had unprotected sex

What if your period is five days earlier and light pink?

If you were pregnant you would completely miss your period. see your GP

How long do you have to know if you are pregnant?

it could take up to 2 months to know weather you are pregnant or not..or if you miss your expected period then your most likey pregnant..but your period could be just a few days late so wait a week and still nothing i would say your pregnant

If a pregnancy test was taken more than 5 days earlier of your missed period how accurated is it?

According to the ClearBlue pregnancy test accuracy results they are: 4 days before expected period= 51% accurate 3 days before expected period= 82% accurate 2 days before expected period= 90% accurate 1 day before expected period =95% accurate the day of expected period =99% accurate

What if your period comes on and you is pregnant but you did'nt know you was pregnant what will happen?

Firstly I will say: I'm a guy but I will try to reassure you with the knowledge i know. if a female is pregnant she will not have here period (from what I know) and i have never heard of a case were a female would have her period when she is pregnant, the reason for this is because it is a common sign to check if you are pregnant. so my answer for you would be : that wouldn't happen

Having bleeding 4 days before expected period implantation bleeding?

you might be pregnant

Can a pregnancy happen a week before the period is due?

you really can get pregnant at any given time even if your on your period its rare but can happen...