

Does life exists on any other planet?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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That's a big no. No aliens. Nothing.

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Q: Does life exists on any other planet?
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So far as is known to date there is no life on any other planet in our solar system or elsewhere. That does not rule out the possibility that life may exist on other planets

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So far, earth is the only planet known to support life, but many scientists thing that life probably exists on other planets.

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There isnt an exactly existance on any other planet than Earth

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Life, of any form, has not yet been found on any other planet.

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It is not currently known whether there is life on any other planet.

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No, there is no oxygen on any other planet other than Earth because there is no planet life on the other planets.

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It is not have been prove yet, but scientists think there might be a chance of life in the planet Mars.

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No there is no evidence however scientists are still lookingEarth is the only known planet with life however there are potentia planets that life would be able to survive on .

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We human beings originated on the planet Earth and so far we have briefly visited the moon but have not established any permanent residence there, nor have we even visited any of the other planets (not in person, we have sent robotic probes).